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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by jayfkayy

EDIT: Sorry guys, I drew too quick of a conclusion because PUBG and FOrtnite shared the same issue on the same engine as Valorant.

The issue appears to be just visual / sound on clientside, firerate does not actually fluctuate.

Based on this reply https://old.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/gngrna/weapon_firerate_depends_on_fps_details_in_comments/fra0brg/

I figure the only reason to cap your FPS would be to minimize such desync perhaps, assuming the calculations even apply and Valorant doesn't follow it's own rules.

I looked into this a little more and I'm confident saying that frame rate doesn't have an impact on fire rate.

The exception is that the client can only display tracers/muzzle flashes/etc on the cadence of the frame rate which can make it look slower in some cases. This shouldn't effect actual numbers of bullets fired.

There still could be a bug somewhere but we haven't found any compelling evidence of one yet.

Edit: "shouldn't effect actual numbers of bullets fired"

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by x_marshmallows

^ Don't let the above comment discourage anyone from continuing their own tests. Riot has said a lot of things about Vanguard and networking that were not true until they fixed them later on.

Please do your own testing we love receiving more data!

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by jayfkayy

Oh.The guns sound much slower at lower framerates and I did some rough testing (there seemed to be a noteable difference with guns like Vandal and Ares) and just connected the dots and figured this might have been overlooked. Should have tested more thoroughly before busting out the spreadsheet. My bad and thank you for the clear up.

It's good, posts like this have helped us find bugs before.

We really love to see them.