Original Post — Direct link
2 months ago - VALORANT - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
8s hey everyone happy New Year and welcome
11s to our first Dev update for
13s 2025 2025 is a special year for valerin
17s it's Val's 5year anniversary and it's
20s also our first official season
23s v25 if you haven't seen Anna's video
25s about valerent next chapter check it out
28s in the description below in 2025 our
31s focus is all about investing into
33s valerin we want the game to be in the
36s best shape it's ever been in and to
38s solidify our foundation to keep growing
41s and evolving for years to come this
43s includes a ton of things like quality of
46s life improvements across the board
47s launching some great new features for
49s the game leveling up our Dev tools so we
52s can keep doing our best work for you and
55s of course gameplay updates and new
57s content you'll love alongside epic
59s moments throughout the year like Masters
61s and champions we're so excited for B25
65s and I'm going to hand it over to the dev
66s team to preview just some of the things
68s coming up for you in the first half of
70s the
73s Season were you first yeah I was first
75s yeah I okay three two hey uh I'm Ryan
79s I'm one of the angent designers uh
81s worked on Taho hey everyone I'm John
83s giki the agents lead for valerant and
86s today we're going to be talking a little
87s bit about Teo our newest upcoming
88s initiator
92s [Music]
93s Teo is our newest Colombian Man of
95s Action he is our take on a more
98s strategic top down focused initiator
101s here to apply a ton of pressure to
103s different locations on the map we really
105s want you to move or die with Teo kit we
109s still want to make sure that gun play is
110s front and center so I think what we want
113s to do instead is provide too tools to
116s create the disruption create that play
117s pattern where it's not actually the tell
120s you that's getting the kills but instead
121s the gun when they flush
123s out so the cool thing about the ultimate
126s is you're able to have it map targeted
128s the same way you have the rockets in
129s comparison to breach Al which comes from
131s you going forward you're able to choose
133s the direction so if you wanted to clear
135s the team towards you or away from you
137s you have that choice so it's about like
139s choosing like how do you want to play
141s this round how do you think they will
143s move out of the way and like what
144s checkmates can you create by having them
146s come either to you or away from you in
147s that way the journey to settling on who
150s is his archetype who is as a person
152s really spawned from the kit this idea
154s that like your knowledge and experience
157s round over round benefits you if you
159s play off of it and we're like oh that's
161s kind of like this older grizzled battle
165s combat experienced person we have brim
168s we don't need another brim so like
170s what's another take on this and we
172s thought about the well-dressed Man of
173s Action the like really really
175s experienced combat veteran that we've
177s all seen in the action movies running
179s away from explosions that's who we were
182s making with too
184s Teo
186s yeah I think he's going to be spicy for
189s sure yeah just a little spice I think
192s like you know we've shown that we've
194s kind of pulled back on a lot of like
195s abilities doing damage what players will
197s slowly realize is it's a lot more about
198s the tactic it's a lot more about those
201s moments that you can create with the
203s damage instead of it actually being the
204s damage too was our first agent of the
207s Year kicking the year off in a fun
209s explosion way we currently have two more
212s agents planned for the rest of the year
214s we think there's some Heavy Hitters that
215s you're going to have fun with you know
217s as always agents need to provide
219s colorful new ways for you to play the
221s game new and exciting play styles that
223s we can shine a light on we're not quite
227s ready to reveal any more information
229s about them other than you're going to
230s get a couple more so you'll have to wait
232s and see what we're cooking up for you
236s bye later
241s my name is Dan Hardis I'm the live
243s design balance lead on valerant hi I'm
245s Tiffy I'm the product manager and I get
247s to work with Dan on live balance today
249s we're going to talk to you a little bit
250s about what you can expect in
254s 2025 10.0 is out and release now and
257s that means Taho is live you'll notice
259s that most of our larger balance patches
261s were done earlier already in patch 9008
264s 910 and some in 911 but we hope to
267s continue that momentum throughout the
268s year whenever it's appropriate for the
270s first half of 2025 around agents we have
272s some Duelists we're going to be working
273s on we're going to be following up on ISO
275s doing like some kind of power budget
277s redistribution around the kit and also
279s doing some changes to Neon if we need to
280s after the 911 balance changes we're also
283s going to be adjusting deadlock um we're
285s going to be trying to make her sound
286s sensors have a little bit more value and
288s also just try to give her a little bit
289s more aggressive potential oh Dan we
291s should actually talk about Harbor I
292s don't think you've mentioned that yet we
293s do need to talk about Harbor for Harbor
295s we're really trying to make him more
297s satisfying to play in particular just
299s trying to make him more enjoyable more
300s fun more commonly picked in your average
303s rank game cuz right now he's just not
304s picked very much so 2025 we're going to
307s look at our map Pool rotation strategy
309s once again we've heard the feedback
311s largely around variety and that's what
313s we're going to be focused on so if you
314s haven't heard we are going to be
315s rotating Every Act this year for patch
318s 10.0 two maps came in two maps are
321s leaving and the number might change
323s across the year so the main priorities
326s for the balance team in 2025 we're
328s really trying to focus in on our like
329s tactical rout here and make sure that
331s gameplay Clarity and audio in particular
333s are very easy to understand so that you
335s can react to whatever is going on on
337s your screen and kind of make the right
339s tactical decisions as well as making
341s sure that the skill cap in the game
342s remains high that all the time you're
343s putting into valerant is rewarded both
346s on like a strategic and kind of a
348s mechanical level for the portions of
350s Mastery that Dan has mentioned you're
352s going to notice some of those changes
353s have already rolled out and will be
354s coming across the year in 2025 one
357s example was the accuracy changes that we
360s shipped with Gunplay and movement in
362s general that should be increasing kind
363s of the skill cap you see uh in valerant
366s separately there's the maintaining our
368s competitive foundations which is a lot
370s of bug fixing and just addressing Visual
372s and audio Clarity in the game valerant
374s always in kind of an evolving game like
376s you know everyone is just continuously
377s getting better they're improving we're
379s releasing new content I think the
380s five-year point is a good point for us
382s to kind of examine everything we have in
384s the game so we're trying to take a pass
386s at as many things as we can and try to
388s reign in the game to make sure it's
389s feeling Tactical make sure you can
390s respond to pieces of utility
392s appropriately making sure that Gunplay
394s still matters um all those kinds of
395s things are really high priority for us
397s right now and in this moment of
398s reflection it's it's really exciting to
400s see just all the metas come through in
402s valerant we started with double dive we
404s had double initiat we had a good amount
406s of time on chamber which was great too
408s and a double controller meta I'm really
411s excited to see what else comes next in
412s the future all right see you Gamers
414s excited to keep working in 2025
422s hi I'm pry I'm product manager on the
424s premium content team hi I'm Shan Marino
427s I'm the art director on the premium
428s content team and we're here today to
430s talk to you about skins and other
433s Cosmetics we have something really
435s exciting to talk about we have a new
436s content type coming to valer it's called
438s Flex Flex is a really interesting
440s content type that we're really excited
442s to bring to you we've been thinking
443s about this since probably 2019 2020 uh
446s we always knew that there was going to
447s be more opportunities to express
449s yourself with things like gun buddies
451s sprays or player cards and so with flex
455s think of it as just a new equipable
456s something that you can hold in your hand
458s in any moment in game and it's something
460s that should feel as expressive as
463s something like a melee weapon you just
464s don't have to worry about the gameplay
465s constraints you're not going to be
466s killing people with this you're not
467s going to be running around or trying to
469s jump Peak with it it's really just a new
471s expression piece of content we've got a
473s whole bunch of ideas for different types
475s of flex so stay tuned there'll be more
477s to come throughout this year we are
479s super excited to add a bunch of new guns
482s to some Niche skin lines skins that
484s maybe don't have a ton of fans but the
486s fans they have are incredibly passionate
488s like I'm talking please stop messaging
490s me asking for a two kind of passionate
493s so more Wasteland no what about Minima
497s maybe but I already promised them the
498s Smite Outlaw nobody is talking about the
500s Smite Outlaw except for you look we know
503s there are some skins that deserve more
504s love and more guns and we got you we
507s always like to kick off the year with a
509s brand new skin line that we hope that
511s you all really really love and in this
513s case it's a brand new Sci-Fi skin EXO
515s with EXO the goal was to make you feel
517s like a cyber ninja and what better to do
519s that than having you run around with a
521s digital Katana I definitely want to feel
523s like a cyber ninja and there's so many
525s other things to love about the skin line
527s all the way from the really satisfying
529s audio brand new animations on the katana
531s and a really really cool cyber finisher
535s this is valin's fifth year so we'll have
537s some fun plans to celebrate and
539s commemorate the annivers 3 through
540s Cosmetics whether you're a new player an
542s OG beta player or have known us since
544s our project a days we'll have something
546s for you no spoilers yet just know it's a
549s party and you're all invited thanks
551s everybody for joining us we're excited
552s to bring you into
556s 2025 hey uh I'm Stephen from the
558s competitive team and I want to talk to
559s you today about v25 season changes for
562s v25 season start we've got some new
564s stuff that we're excited to talk about
565s last year we talked about opportunities
567s for upside while you're on your
568s competitive journey and we have
570s something to share we're going to be
571s adding in rank armor which is going to
573s give you an additional buffer of games
575s before you fall between those major
576s ranks so that's from like gold one to
578s Silver three for more specific details
580s look to the patch notes ranks will be
583s resetting at the beginning of the season
584s and again at an upcoming mid-season
586s moment we still see a lot of value in
588s resetting ranks uh especially as we have
590s more players joining the ecosystem
592s especially now with as many players
593s coming back to play as well the reality
595s is gameplay has evolved a lot since the
597s game launched and rank names have Sav
599s the same but players have gotten better
602s gold today is not what gold was
604s previously and so we need these resets
606s to help make sure that we keep
607s everything calibrated across the entire
609s player ecosystem and we also have R roll
611s backs coming so we talked about this
613s before when a player gets banned for
615s cheating we're now going to go back for
616s a period of time and restore losses to
618s your RR from the matches that that
620s player was in and for details on that
622s one that's going to come later during
623s act one we think this is a really great
625s way to kick off the year and we've been
627s listening to feedback and we really want
628s 2025 to to bring our competitive
631s experience up to speed with where the
633s current Community is at so we're going
635s to keep listening look for continued
636s updates and coms throughout the year in
638s this
641s space we've learned a lot through the
643s manual processes that we stood up last
644s year we sent out warning notices to over
646s half a million players that were all
648s repeat disruptors in our game and any
650s players who continue to be disruptive
651s they received harsher penalties than
653s typical and two things here the band and
655s warnings were really effective at
657s reducing repeat disruption the warnings
659s alone dropped our expected repeat
661s disruption rate by 25% second we still
664s have more to do we're continuing to
666s learn we'll iterate on this manual
667s approach you may see another one soon
669s and really because of the efficacy of
670s These Warnings we want to look into more
672s ways to improve feedback and visibility
675s around behavior comprehensively in the
677s game and there's more to come there last
679s time we chatted we talked about voice
680s evaluation Going Global and we've
682s launched our services across the globe
684s we only have Korea left there's a few
686s steps to this process though step one is
688s about standing up the technology
690s step two which is where we're at now
692s that's about evaluating Global English
693s to see what performance looks like and
696s then step three is going to be adding
697s additional language support we've got
699s Spanish currently for this along and
701s More in development we got one more
703s thing we're making some changes to
704s remakes a remake vote is now going to
706s automatically start when a player has
708s abandoned the match in the first round
710s additionally you're only going to need
711s three players to successfully vote to
713s remake so when Raina says that their
715s friend is totally going to be right back
716s just go next that's all I have for today
718s for the competitive area really excited
720s for season 2025 and we'll be continuing
722s to communicate throughout the year so
724s look for more
727s updates hey everyone it's been a minute
729s since we shared an update on replays I
731s wanted to stop by to talk about one of
733s the interesting challenges that we're
734s currently working through lag
736s compensation this is a pretty nerdy
738s topic so let me start with some net code
740s basics in valerant the game server is
743s authoritative this means that the game
745s server receives inputs from connected
747s player clients updates its record of the
749s game then sends the resulting game State
751s back to players it does this on every
753s tick of the server so 128 times per
756s second but it takes a small amount of
757s time to send this information over the
759s Internet between the game clients and
760s the server this delay means that the
762s view you have as a player is ever so
764s slightly in the past relative to the
766s game server so for shooting to feel
768s crisp and responsive game server has to
770s both track and compensate for the time
772s it takes to communicate over the
774s Internet when the server receives your
775s shot it rewinds time to match your
778s client's view so that it can check if
779s you hit without this lag compensation
782s you'd have to lead your shots to enemies
784s and the game would feel awful okay so
786s why does this matter for replays to
788s capture a replay we have the game server
790s continuously record its view of the game
793s this avoids any reduction in client
795s performance and also gives us the most
797s accurate representation of what happened
799s but lag compensation can make the
800s server's view look a little different
802s from what you saw during play meaning a
804s replay could potentially show
805s inaccuracies during playback for example
808s here's a shot with a ping of 15 Mills
810s and here's that same shot in a replay
812s they're basically the same the strafe
814s bot's position is 15 Mills further into
817s its movement but it's barely noticeable
819s but it becomes much more apparent if we
821s crank up player pings in this clip my
823s ping is 120 milliseconds I still hit the
826s shot but you'll notice the hit confirm
828s Sparks relayed the bot moves further
831s before its body falls if we look at the
833s same 120 Mond shot in the replay it
835s looks like I'm aiming behind the bot and
837s that I actually missed the replay is
840s accurately showing where I was aiming
841s when I fired on my client as well as
843s where the bot was in the game server at
845s the time my shop was processed at the
847s time from my click to the shot being
849s processed was long enough that when
851s combined it looks like I missed here's
853s what it looks like with some video
854s editing magic to put the client view on
856s top of the replay View and also let's
858s slow it down a bit more the ghost
861s represents what I saw in my client when
863s taking the shot while the solid version
865s is what the server and the replay saw
867s clearly I hit my shot on the client the
870s replay shows a Miss we're actively
872s discussing how we want replays to
873s visualize shots like this in matches
875s where pings are high it's a tricky
877s problem all solutions have downsides and
879s there's not an obviously correct choice
881s we're still evaluating what's best to
883s show that's all for me for today I hope
885s you find these behind the scenes details
886s interesting and expect another update on
888s replays from me later this
892s year hey everyone Leo here on behalf of
895s the VCT team 2025 will be our best
898s season yet yet we're expending each of
900s the National League to 12 teams with
903s five new teams joining through Ascension
905s a big welcome to two game eorts xlg
908s Esports Apex Sim Frieza gaming and boom
913s Esports we're also visiting three
915s different regions and three brand new
917s cities with our Global events Masters
920s Bangkok will take us to Southeast Asia
922s for the very first time Masters Toronto
925s will be our first event in the America
927s since Champions 2023 and will also be
930s the stage for the fifth anniversary of
932s Valen and finally we're very happy to
934s come to Paris for the first time to host
937s the biggest event of the season from my
939s time watching worlds and friends it's
941s easy to see that the fans in that city
943s is some of the most dieh hard ever and I
946s cannot wait to see their energy at
947s Champions we're very excited about e
949s Sports digital Goods this year our goal
951s here are twofold to give players a
953s chance to wrap their favorite teams in
955s game as well as support them financially
958s last year you showed up a big time and
960s exceeded all of our expectation on top
962s of the team capsules and the Champions
964s collection both returning this year
966s we're introducing a brand new season
968s capsule with a new melee kind of like
971s what we did with lockin in 2023 we're
973s going with the classic for team capsules
975s again in 20125 and we're very comforted
977s with that choice the classic is present
979s in every single round they get more time
981s in the spotlight and have led to some
983s pretty fun interactions we think of the
985s classic like a team jersey where you
987s want to cop the latest one with a sort
989s of of a new season we're making some
991s important changes to International
993s leagues in 2025 for stage one teams will
996s be divided into two groups of six
998s competing in a round robbing format with
1000s the top four teams from each group
1002s advancing to playoffs a bigger playoffs
1005s with eight teams will keep more teams in
1007s the hunt for a longer period of time and
1009s give them more chances to qualify for
1011s Global events on stage two you have a
1014s fresh new chance to clinch Champions
1017s qualification with a longer break after
1019s after Master's Toronto we hope to give
1021s teams space to try new things and make
1023s changes ahead of the final stage of the
1025s Season we're also changing how teams
1027s qualify to Champions one of the pieces
1029s of feedback we got in 2024 was that
1032s teams weren't rewarding enough for doing
1034s well and Masters so we reworked
1036s Championship points which will now have
1038s a deeper Point distribution not only to
1040s the winner like last year H will qualify
1043s four teams to Champions but in 2025 two
1046s teams will qualify through Championship
1048s points and two teams will qualify from
1050s stage two playoffs that way we'll keep
1053s the stakes High throughout the entire
1055s season giving teams new chances to
1057s qualify and come back at every Point
1059s while also rewarding teams for a strong
1061s season long performance and all the work
1063s they put in earlier in the year so
1066s that's it lots to look forward to in
1070s 2025 okay that's it for us today thank
1073s you so much for being here and keep
1074s sharing all your thoughts about Val
1076s we'll be back with more updates as the
1077s season progresses honestly it's just
1079s crazy to think that we're 5 years in so
1081s thank you all for the folks that have
1083s been with us for the entire 5 years and
1085s welcome to all the people who are just
1086s starting today as well we hope you can
1088s tell how much we love this game and that
1090s we love it just as much as you do and
1092s that we're here working hard for you so
1094s thanks again and we'll see you next time
2 months ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by DaBomb091

I don't know why but I always find the skins/cosmetics teams announcements especially funny. Preeti especially sells it for me lol

You get my upvote.