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Saw this comment from /u/aeneia on another thread I think deserves more views: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/gvjqvp/the_skin_prices_are_not_an_accident_i_guarantee/fssa9g2/

I'll need to review that to make sure it's accurate, but either way, I can tell you this: When we make tuning adjustments to the Battle Passes, we take lots of things into consideration. Here are a few:

  • HOW MANY PLAYERS ARE BUYING THE PAID PASS? If that's lower than we want, then it means players probably don't think it's "worth" it, and that's a problem. It could be that the rewards aren't desirable, the pass requires too many games, lots of things.

  • HOW MANY PLAYERS ARE 100%ING THE PASS? For every BP game I can think of, Battle Passes are created with a specific distribution in mind. The final tiers of the Battle Pass are supposed to represent something meaningful. "A top percentage of players earned this." It loses its value if it's too easy to get. So, we want completing the Battle Pass to be a commitment, but not impossible. It's why we grant so many rewards to players along the way: so those who couldn't finish it can still walk away with some cool sh*t.

  • FINALLY, HOW DO PLAYERS FEEL ABOUT THE PASS? If the right number of players are buying and completing the pass, but they're f*cking furious with us about it, that's definitely not okay.

So, if we do decide to retune the XP on the battle pass, it will be after we collect all that information, and that will take some time. We want to make an informed decision on this, not just something quick and reactive. I'm actually releasing a survey in the very near future asking about player feels on the XP tunings! So it's something we're keeping an eye on, and we're prepared to make changes if we see sufficient evidence to do so. I hope this helps :)

Edit: /u/aeneia edited the comment with: I should be clear here: When I say a "top percentage of players," I don't mean some crazy high, 98th percentile thing. If we find that NOT ENOUGH folks are completing it, that's a problem, too!

Edit: Read This Too

Edit 2: There seems to be so many mixed reactions to the BP. The poll can't come soon enough

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about 4 years ago - /u/aeneia - Direct link

Hey there! Just wanted to point out that I included an edit in there :)

EDIT: I should be clear here: When I say a "top percentage of players," I don't mean some crazy high, 98th percentile thing. If we find that NOT ENOUGH folks are completing it, that's a problem, too!