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the battlepass is located really weird. myself it took me some time. maybe make a section or make it in the store.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Yea, we're missing a tooltip that points it out after you complete the tutorial. Adding that soon.

The hope is that having the mission, contract, and battlepass progress captured in the mini-widget and on hover helps people spot check their progress and upcoming rewards anywhere in the experience vs. having to go to a dedicated section each time.

But since it's something of a new way of doing it, we need to add a little more help at the outset so folks know what's there.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by jack11234

I said to my friend “can’t wait for them to release the battlepass”

To which he replied “bro we’ve been playing 6 hours, you click that circle”


Yea, we're missing a tooltip that points it out after you complete the tutorial. Adding that soon.

The hope is that having the mission, contract, and battlepass progress captured in the mini-widget helps people spot check their progress and upcoming rewards anywhere in the experience vs. having to go to a dedicated section each time.

But since it's something of a new way of doing it, we need to add a little more help at the outset so folks know what's there.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by BigT232

You ought to put it in the store if Riot enjoys making money. Had multiple friends who didn't even realize it was out yet until I told them where to look. More casual players may not even notice it.

Hopefully a big arrow that says "BATTLEPASS" nips the issue in the bud. Agree that the premium purchase should be in the store, though it'd still need to indicate where the pass lives in the nav.