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Something is definitely not right with hitboxes since last patch. Many times I've been aiming at the head, or even just actually seeing the enemies head, and it shows body shots.

Yesterday also had a 139 dmg from a Vandal headshot when the enemy was just in front of me, no wallbang.

I've derank from Valorant as I'm used to entry frag but now it seems impossible to win a combat with vandal when going for an entry frag.

Also pistol rounds seem to be who clicks the mouse the fastest, actually aiming at head doesn't work as it regs as a body shot

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotStealthyJesus - Direct link

Thank you for the post (there have been several on a similar topic).

We adjusted Deadzone accuracy with the 0.50 patch (details here: https://beta.playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-0-50/).

Those deadzone changes exposed some movement accuracy desync between client and server. Your shots process correctly on the server, but the feedback you get on you local client can be at times incorrect.

This issue has been in the game code for a long time, but was previously quite subtle. It took the 0.50 deadzone changes to make it super obvious.

We are working on a fix; depending how quick we are to it, the improvements will be in the next patch, or the one following. Thank you!

- David

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotStealthyJesus - Direct link

Originally posted by Urlilas

Watch this, now you know it's f**king a joke to have a hitreg like that


For the video if i kill phoenix sage should die

One quick comment - the Phoenix clip, there is a network indicator in the top right.

Latency isn't displayed anywhere in the clip - but if your ping to the server is high enough (well above 100ms), you can actually be beyond the maximum hitreg rewind limit on the server (we cap it to prevent cheaters & bad feels for the victim - nobody likes getting killed after-the-fact when they duck behind cover).

^ When ping is beyond max rewind, it can cause visual desyncs with what you see on the client compared to what happens on the server.

- David