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So here's my 2 cents nobody asked for on a topic that's been talked to death. I'm aware Riot is looking for someone to pick up responsibility for competitive, but at least I can have the hope that if someone sees this they can make the suggestion for this to not be a possibility when someone gets around to fixing it.

Been on a bit of winning streak and have been playing decently well and right before I queued this game I ranked back to D1. My only assumption is that the enemy team had a high ranked player in a large stack of golds which is why myself, a solo queuing D1 got into this lobby to match the disparity. I understand the logic if that was the case but my gripe is that I shouldn't be put into a situation where if I dont heavily frag out or win by a decent margin I'm bound to lose a reasonable to a great amount of elo. If I was placed into a game with other plats it wouldn't be an issue, theres not much of a difference between high plat - low diamond anyway and someone always has to have the highest elo. However, I believe everyone should be match made into a lobby where everyone has the opportunity to gain a high amount of elo, not carry or derank.

I've played a lot of games where theres been a couple people with a much lower rank, this is fine as the rest of the team is capable of picking up the slack. But to have a game found ranging from gold to diamond there should at least be some plats in there to smooth out the skill curve. Anyones opinion on this including outright disagreeing with me would be welcome to form a more concise dialogue on the problems with matchmaking.


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over 4 years ago - /u/RiotBrighteyz - Direct link

To your point, it is very likely that the reason there is a large skill disparity in this game is due to premades. The game should be balanced in terms of the predicted outcome to win the match on each side being similar, but the highest ranked players will be expected to play better than others in the game. In these matches, as long as you win, you will be gaining rank. Ultimately that is the most important factor in your rank gains, and winning becomes even more important after you have played a number of Competitive games.

We think having some texture in matches is healthy where you get the chance to be the carry or on the flip side the chance to test your skills against other players better than you. Right now skill disparity and that texture we want to provide is a higher than we would like, and so we are continuing to make changes and iterations to reduce it.

After today’s patch (1.05) matchmaking will take slightly longer if you solo or solo/duo queue in order to put you more often against similarly sized premade groups. This should help reduce the chance of you getting into games with high skill disparity due to facing other larger premades. There still can be a chance whether facing premades or playing solo against other solo players that there is high skill disparity, but you should see this happening less this patch.

Additionally, we are looking into further future changes to reduce skill disparity for our Competitive Matchmaking, we have a full team committed to improving MM, MMR, Competitive, and related systems, and plan to keep iterating and improving on the systems overtime. Along with some MM changes for 1.05 you can see the rest of our changes for this patch here.

over 4 years ago - /u/RiotBrighteyz - Direct link

Originally posted by lllldddd01

Okay, but balance is more than just the teams being predicted to be equally likely to win. You could have four Iron 1s on each team and then a Radiant and have them be equally likely to win, but I wouldnt say it is in any way balanced.

Agree. We definitely care about you being able to reasonably compete against each of your opponents. We know if you are an Iron player the chances you kill a Radiant player is slim to none. We have hard caps in skill (MMR) deltas in our Competitive Matchmaker so you should never see an Iron 1 in a game with a Radiant player. We are closely monitoring how lenient we are with the level of skill disparity we allow in Competitive games and are making iterations this patch to help solve and also plan to continue to iterate to improve this overtime.