almost 3 years ago - VALORANT - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s what there's not a chance bro what the
4s damn
5s what just happened
12s it's exciting
16s wait that's so sick it looks absolutely
17s insane wow
24s she looks like vi kind of arcade it's
26s pretty sick she kind of looks like a
28s like a villain from like a disney
30s channel cartoon
32s from the video it definitely seems like
33s she's in the shadows a bit more yeah she
36s looks
38s deadly
39s to say the least i always think i could
40s run so many insane fakes with like
42s characters like this yeah right they
44s immediately all rotate when they see
46s someone like this run again
85s foreign yeah she looks like an initiator
88s initiator so adding another
90s initiator would be pretty much
93s you change the metal like quite a bit
95s it's already like signals when you see
96s the signature weapon at least for me
98s signals that's going to be an aggressive
99s agent it's gonna be like you're gonna
101s throw the abilities and you're gonna run
103s am i gonna have a thing ghost chasing me
105s getting a little spooked out here
108s oh this is gonna be game changing ooh
110s the meta will get shaken up for sure
112s people will try her the game is very
114s initiator based lately with the meadows
116s so
116s her coming into the fold will definitely
118s be like how ko came in a lot of people
120s didn't know the strengths at first and
121s then slowly got you know pushed into the
123s meadow
126s i think teams will run her for sure she
128s looks pretty good honestly because
130s you know you get wall hacks like sofa so
133s how can you not play that agent looks
135s like a very aggressive agent maybe
136s something i would play we'll see
139s we'll see if my team is allowed to play
141s definitely me definitely austin and
143s definitely vic
144s actually youtube i think it's gonna be a
146s fun challenge yeah i will be the one to
148s play here for sure it'll be me
152s wow be sure to watch masters request
154s final on april 24th we'll be releasing
156s phase gameplay and cinematic reveal