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As the title states, Vanguard really do be blockin everything. I am fine with this, but the issue is that it just causes confusion as there is no clear answer to what can and cant be used.

All Im asking for is a list of applications provided by Riot that are approved that can be used to monitor temps, fans, and oc.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Vanguard blocks drivers with known security vulnerabilities (usually privilege escalation via arbitrary memory writes) that allow cheat developers to load their cheats into the kernel without approval from Microsoft.

It's hard to know which hardware software monitoring tools will be blocked because many of them repackage other company's drivers. We don't block software packages specifically only the drivers they distribute.

If software that you use is blocked please check with the vendor to see if an update is available and if no update is available please contact them and ask them to fix their vulnerable drivers.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by tomlol

What risk is there from allowing the drivers to function, but stopping those users from playing until their systems meet your requirements?

You are under no obligation to improve the security of users systems, so it seems like disabling them opens up a can of worms should systems fail or be damaged because those drivers are disabled. (e.g. someone in this thread has had water-cooling issues)

If you exit Vanguard from the system tray you'll get this effect. The drivers will be able to load but Valorant won't be playable until a reboot. Alternatively you can uninstall Vanguard from the system tray and it will be gone completely until the next time you want to play Valorant.