about 4 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by TheCaveMan09

Bro, if that was a Silver play, then there is no way I am going to get past Bronze 3. That was awesome.

One of our key design theses for V was that these moments feel absolutely incredible. They're some of the most compelling in our collective gaming experiences. And we want more players to be able to have those moments.

Finding ways for players to have moments like these in an organic, authentic, and real way was one of the key things we were trying to accomplish. For all of it to work, it has to feel meaningful, earned, and a variety of other things. Hopefully between good matchmaking, low ping, strong anti-cheat, and the other things we're trying to do with V, anyone can have this moment.

It doesn't mean it's going to happen often, and there are definitely things that we can improve on, and we certainly have made mistakes/will continue to make mistakes, but hopefully something that brings this high of a high is attainable for everyone who wants to play our game :)

Just keep after it, you'll have yours too :)

about 4 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by trxftw

That random falling headshot mid-air while falling off the roof, is that a one in a million (100% random) ? or is there some magic code in the game that makes stuff like this happen ? I feel it happens too often to be completely random, but could be confirmation bias ofcourse.

Nope, it's random. Sometimes the touch of luck makes for some spicy moments though. Hopefully they're good feels more often than bad feels though!

about 4 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by EnQuest

don't suppose you guys are planning on adding any more server locations, i live near alaska and my ping is always over 100, adding vancouver/seattle servers like csgo did would be rad

I don't know tbh but I can make sure we've made an informed decision. I can't promise anything but I'll make sure the right folks are aware and thinking about it rather than just forgetting nor not considering.

I want to manage expectations though, even if we did add servers there it probably wouldn't be for a while, especially amidst covid times.