about 3 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

something got unassigned - i submitted a fix for this today

about 3 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

Originally posted by Varcolac1

May i ask in which patch this fix will get added?

it should be in the next one! i just missed the cutoff for 4.01 with the change

about 3 years ago - /u/oniram177 - Direct link

Originally posted by Varcolac1

Hey again, i found another bug but this time for the Singularity Phantom. When you shoot all the parts move but they wont go back to their original position, no idea if this is also bugged for the other skins. Example pictures: https://imgur.com/a/OX2u8DS

This is intentional. As you shoot, the parts separate and go back together when you reload. During development it was way more extreme and we felt that it being too noticeable might be a gameplay advantage to be able to tell your ammo count just by the look of the gun so we toned it down significantly