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Is there also anything in the works to revert games you lost to a cheater? Maybe that might mess with the rank system too much but its worth a thought.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

I don't have an ETA but I'm definitely interested in having feedback for cheating bans. At the very least I want the players that reported the cheater to know that a punishment was given but if I can I'd also like to notify the people who played with the cheater.

I'd like us to find a way to undo the damage done by cheaters but we haven't figure out a good approach yet let alone scheduled the work. So it's probably not coming soon.

We've been talking about reverting competitive games but we have concerns about the inaccuracy from a revert being worse than the inaccuracy from playing with cheaters. To revert the matches accurately we'd probably need to recalculate the MMR of most other matches but there might be an acceptable shortcut that we can use.