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almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotRectifyer - Direct link

Originally posted by WHKDHuman

did they change the overtime rules? i won a game 13-12 today (ranked)

Hey! This was a regression due to some config changes. We are enabling the updated Overtime rules right now.

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotSwade - Direct link

Originally posted by IMavericIK

yoo that new weapon stat box is beautiful

Thank you! As you use it in game make sure to give us feedback on it. We are always trying to iterate and make things like this better.

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotSwade - Direct link

Originally posted by Seblor

Are the displayed stats now linked to the actual weapon stats to avoid mismatches like the Guardian last patch (where the stat block was not updated) ?

Yes they are!

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotSwade - Direct link

Originally posted by Le_Vagabond

are you still going to play every character in the first round of a spectated match ?

that must get tiring at times.

It is really limiting the amount of work I can get done in a day. Playing all these custom games is tough.

On a real note - this will be fixed next patch.

almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotSwade - Direct link

Originally posted by SupAYYYer

I think the new weapon stats box is great! Perhaps could use pictures for head/body/leg instead of just the words? Probably only a minor improvement imo though

We actually tried this! It looked good in mockups but it didn't translate to in game. Sometimes things like this are difficult because we are designing for very minimal space and it has to scale correctly for all of our supported monitor sizes / resolutions.