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Recently shroud said in an interview that riot should change the 150 person limit for Radiant and I was wondering how accurate that statement was. Everyone at high ranks has been pulling out this number whereas im skeptical because Riot has never released an official statement on this.

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about 4 years ago - /u/RiotBrighteyz - Direct link

I can help clarify here. There isn't a hard cap on the exact number of Radiant players for each region. It's based on the most elite players for that region, which is currently around 0.05 to 0.1% of players. This means the number of Radiant players fluctuates a bit per region. Right now for Act II our smaller regions it will be a little bit over 100 Radiant players with our largest regions being a bit over 500 Radiant Players. We'll share more specifics soon, but we have plans to provide greater visibility in-client for players at the top ranks so its easier to see where these players stand.