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almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by dgforce

The current one from the newest patch is just a placeholder, it'll end up getting replaced eventually.

Yes, we're doing at least one more pass on these before launch. We'll introduce some color to your own icon, and revise the visuals a bit. The goal of the change was to make yourself easier to find, and this first step helps, but we have more to do in terms of polish.

Funnily enough, the icon is not any bigger than before. It just looks bigger because there's no portrait in the middle breaking up the white circle.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by nivo92

Playing with centered minimap already fixes this issue, but i must say the version before the latest patch was way better and less invasive, now the icon is way to large

It's the same size as before - just looks bigger because the portrait isn't breaking up the space.

Some folks don't play with player centered so they can see the whole map at all times at a decent zoom. We'll find a solve that works for everyone.