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Dear Riot,

Please if you have any mercy in your souls drop an oceanic beta, I know the covid pandemic is causing tough times and from a logistics standpoint it’s probably a lot harder but I really don’t want US players raging at me for playing from Aus with average ping. I have been following Valorant since it’s first announcement as project A on the riot 10year anniversary, and I’m ready to drop my cash in your cash shop for cosmetics. I’m sure I have a lot of fellow oce players in the same boat.


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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by Sheroclan

Hey Arkem!

Is there any update on this by chance? A ton of us have keys and we've just had a decent sized tourney over the weekend. Would love 40ms vs the 150-250 we currently get.


No update yet sorry!

We have some regions coming online early next month but that doesn't include OCE. I think OCE is in the next batch though!

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by xX_Spectra_Xx

Hey arkem! Are there any updates? I know we are all itching to get on the servers! Thanks!

I don't want to steal anyone's thunder but I think there'll be more information coming this week.