Original Post — Direct link

ignore the date on the 2nd one lol

yes, those are 477 and 194 MB of log files

you can find log files under:


divide by zero warning is repeated over 5.266.000 lines (a period of something like 8-9 minutes) in the 477 MB one, same issue present in the other one and even in the latest logs

[2020.06.10-21.40.12:807][974]LogScript: Warning: Script Msg: Divide by zero detected: 0.000000 / 0
Script call stack:
    Function /Game/Characters/Components/Comp_Actor_MultiTargetHandler_Buff_LevelOverTime.Comp_Actor_MultiTargetHandler_Buff_LevelOverTime_C:ReceiveTick
    Function /Game/Characters/Components/Comp_Actor_MultiTargetHandler_Buff_LevelOverTime.Comp_Actor_MultiTargetHandler_Buff_LevelOverTime_C:ExecuteUbergraph_Comp_Actor_MultiTargetHandler_Buff_LevelOverTime

devs please also consider disabling the logging of the OnClientCorrectWorldPosition warning while Ghost is enabled in a custom game as it generates about 2.67 MB of literally unnecessary data per 5 mins of flying

External link →
over 4 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


Thanks for the heads-up. We've got a fix for this in the upcoming 1.02 patch.