11 months ago - VALORANT - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s a Pay to Win scan is anything that gives
2s you an unfair Advantage like a bullet
4s counter imagine if that was rgx things
6s that we look out for when it comes to
8s competitive Integrity when I equip it do
9s I know what weapon it is immediately
10s what it looks like on the ground if I
12s can recognize it in third person when I
14s fire it is there an element there that
15s still sounds like the original weapon
17s even when I'm spectating an ally do I
19s know what they have do they feel like
20s they fit the animations of the original
22s gun with the Beats so I know when it's
23s ready to fire audio obviously is a big
25s component across the board whether it's
27s firing reload or equip you want to make
28s sure it's not too loud does the muzzle
30s flash fit the same shape as the original
31s muzzle flash we like to go hard with
33s effects we also don't want that to have
34s a hit on your performance we don't want
36s the finisher to be so explosive that you
38s can't see stuff that's going on around
39s you unless we got
43s the valentev team has play tests that
45s they do twice a day so what we actually
47s look for is like how often they're using
48s it in play tests and so if you say hey
49s this weapon is going in please test this
51s they use it once and then never again
52s we're like well why we like hearing when
54s there are problems that we actually
55s don't catch so please give us your
57s feedback and we'll fix it as soon as
58s possible