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about 4 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by CaseyDesmith1xxx69

No fix on killjoys split bug yet lol

Fix is in the patch.

about 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by SMYYYLE

Pretty disappointing patch, they had 3 weeks, (yes 1 week off) to get all the feedback.

Especially for deathmatch they asked for feedback to improve it etc, and there was a LOT of feedback (remove radar, up the kill/time limit, ...) and they did nothing this patch. Now we have to wait another 2 weeks for them to MAYBE listen to feedback?

We turned on deathmatch on the 5th, that's only 15 days time with one of those weeks being the off week :)

Also, not all feedback is immediately drop everything. We take the reddit feedback into account, and we review other metrics. Sometimes that leads to immediate change and some of it might be less immediate. Updates will come to the mode. We only had 2 development days to get deathmatch feedback, process and then do changes before the break--so anything we did would have been way too premature.

about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by sweenygg

Riot took a week off - next patch should be bigger and back to normal. We’ve had a few sparse patches in a row due to wanting to tread lightly before KJ release and folks taking some time off after launch, excited to get back into it now that we’re all rested up though!

about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by shirukami

Phoenix's flash is now garbage. Unlike Breach's flash, his flash traveled a short distance and blinded much quicker, reliable for self-fragging. Now his flash travels a fk ton of distance there's no way Phoenix can flash for himself anymore

Here is the video:


We didn’t plan any design functionality changes or nerfs to Phoenix flash this patch - this looks very odd to me. We don’t work directly with the KR team on these videos so they may have lacked context here when recording this. I’m currently trying to track down exactly what’s going on here, bear with us and we’ll have more info for you all ASAP.

edit: working on a hotfix to revert this now. Sorry for all of this!

about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by DT_RAW

any update on this? in game now and its still this super long animation still -_-

We're looking to ship a hotfix to revert this ASAP. Sorry that you've had to deal with this!

about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by redditsucksbut

How come this bug did this not get catched by playtesting? It looks like something that would be instantly found as soon as you test the change...

As far as I understand, this got accidentally bundled with the flash clarity changes you saw in the patch notes. It's just a bug that got wrapped up with everything else at the last minute - we playtest every day, which is why I was so surprised by this one