about 1 year ago - VALORANT - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s we're kind of breaking a rule that when
5s we made a skin we're going to go like
6s deep into the singular thematic of that
9s skin line but like we couldn't pick one
11s genre anyway it didn't feel like it
13s would be representative of retro gaming
15s if you just were like here it's fighting
17s games because then it would just be the
18s fighting game right skin if I had to
21s pick the one that has the best overall
23s like audio package I think it is
24s actually the dance fever one it's got
27s like very satisfying firing audio the
29s music track on it's really really good
30s uh the finisher is like very captivating
36s [Music]
37s a lot of fighting and fighting game
38s enthusiasts at Riot we are making a
40s fighting game at Riot and so we talk to
42s The Experts there and just said hey what
44s are some of the things that like that's
45s right we got a list from them of like
47s what are the I guess tropes or callbacks
49s or whatever things that would make you
51s feel warm and fuzzy inside when you
53s think about a fighting game rather than
55s go everything all at once it's just like
56s find one thing and just go as deep as
58s you can