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We all know and love toxic teammates for when you're not having a good day shooting heads, but i just solo-queued for a replication game (what I consider to be the least competitive gamemode) for a quick game before bed.

Got into a game and picked a random agent that i dont play often, for fun. Ended up stuck in a lobby with a dude who turns out to not just be toxic but misogynistic as hell, says I'm 'probably a chick' bc I've gone 1/3/3 at round 3. Etc etc does his tragic 'get off the game' spiel yada yada, i report him ofc but in all my months of playing Val never have I once experienced someone getting a mute or ban or anything for saying sh*t things, only hacking.

What i don't understand is why we dont have a block or blacklist feature, bc there are so many great people to play with, but personally i keep getting stuck in lobbies where the people, quite frequently, are right off the bat racist, mysoginistic, homophobic and the lot.

I understand that this is the 'nature of fps's' and that i shud try and sit in a COD lobby, but i just don't understand why there aren't more measures to help ourselves have a better time ingame.

Also I do know the mute button exists, but i would love to not play with these people at all.


Edit. Clarification, im a guy.

2nd edit. Thank yall for the awesome discussion :) didnt expect this to reach more than a couple people! Thank u for the awards as well kind strangers :D

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over 2 years ago - /u/npcSara - Direct link

Hey there. I definitely understand the frustration when getting stacked up with... disruptive players :')
We're currently investigating ways in which we can effectively allow players to play with folks that are a little more up their play style, but let me provide you with some insight on why a block list is actually a trickier feature to implement than what it may seem like. There's been other competitive games that have tried to implement this feature, but at high elo, folks used the block list as a way of avoiding playing against certain individuals that they would not have a good time going up against. Often times, this block would be thrown left and right against good players, causing them to be on a mass ignore list, tanking the queues that they'd join. It's a great way for folks to isolate certain individuals from queues, even though the intent of it is to "block/ignore" the disruptive players who are tossing profanities and other inappropriate things into voice/chat. With that being said though, the idea isn't completely off the table. This concept is something that gets brought up often, and we are very down to implement some safe version of it that won't be abused, but keeps players protected as well. Updates to come TuT

over 2 years ago - /u/npcSara - Direct link

Originally posted by UnfriedEgg

Thank you for taking time out to reply, i really appreciate your input! Theres been quite a few people that have been echoing what youre saying as well, that higher elos are gonna get the brunt of it, with matchmaking being almost nonexistent, and i understand that fully and agree.

However, has there been any consideration for having different systems in terms of blocking/blacklisting for rated and unrated? For eg, in unrated you could have proper blacklists up to say, 10 people whom you dont get queued with, as the unrated pool is so much bigger than the top 1-5%, and then implementing a different system for rated, say, a soft ignore/thumbs down system, which wouldn't block the person but significantly reduce your chances of getting into a lobby with them (but those chances still not being at zero).

This is just a thought, and a similar system that a few other online games utilise, but that thought may have already been had :)

Brilliant observation! So the upvote/downvote idea is on our radar and we are going to probably add some variation of it in the near future (we want to make sure it adds clear player value, and there’s so many systems out there that don’t achieve the outcome they’re hoping for, so we are deep in design for this right now), but the blacklist limit is something I’m going to take note of and bring back to the team, so thanks! If anything, maybe some sort of list that will ignore for a period of time, then the list refreshes when it expires. Possibilities are endless 👀

over 2 years ago - /u/npcSara - Direct link

Originally posted by travelingdance

Would it be possible to implement it in a way that just affects matchmaking within a team so it’s less disruptive to the blocked player’s overall experience. When I think of blocking someone, 95% of the time, it’s that I want to block someone on my own team because I don’t want to play WITH them. Whether or not they end up on the enemy team is rarely an issue. If I play with someone that is abusive/toxic, I typically don’t want them on my team because it just kinda ruins the vibe, regardless of whether they are good or not. If you implement a system in which blocking just keeps a person off your team, then it shouldn’t isolate that person much at all (unless they are just a horrible person that got blocked by literally everyone).

We could definitely think about some variation of “avoid a teammate,” yeah :) you raise a good point