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over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Friendly_Fire

  • f**k yeah tagging nerf
  • They couldn't buff my girl Viper without giving her a nerf too? I really want to know the numbers on fragile though, in particular how long it lasts when someone steps out.
  • Should Reyna actually get a soul orb from Pheonix ult? It's not like the Jett change where her ult is wasted if she uses it on him. It's just a passive that happens on any kill, and destroying his ult isn't killing him. I don't think she needed this buff.
  • All those map changes to remove corners are nice, but I actually wish they hadn't done the Haven garage one. If you simply walk against the left door, attackers can check the corner from safety, and you have the "angle advantage" where you can see them first. It was basically a free kill.

Fragile makes the target take double damage from all sources while applied. It’s a pretty significant debuff!

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by PM_ME_CAMILLE_ART

Should probably put that in the patch notes, didnt see it there.

Yup, that’s a good callout. Let me see if we can add that in...

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Friendly_Fire

Wow. I was expecting 25-35% increase. This is gonna make snakebite really good. It's an interesting way to make it different then Brimstones. It does little damage, but adds a very lethal debuff that players can try to capitalize on.

This could make it the best molly in some situations. You drop it on a player camping they still have to get out of it, but now will get rekt from anything.

I'm calling snakebite going up to 200 credits within the next two patches. This gonna be too good to be so cheap.

Yeah, between the wall cast paradigm change and this one we didn’t want to add any more power until seeing how this plays out. It may look like a minor change on paper but there’s a ton of power loaded into these two changes. If we have to reel it back, we will, but Viper’s got a good amount of room for buffs while remaining in a healthy range, so we’re hopeful for now!

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by RodriTama

Amount of time it's activated it's good to know too.

If it’s not listed, assume it’s unchanged!

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by jprosk

Snakebite + marshal = pseudo Op 👀

Snakebite + Raze Satchel gotem

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by rjsppsjr1

Why compensation-nerf her?

We explain in the patch notes, but we want to create clearer windows to push her one way smoke setups. When combined with much more flexibility of wall placements and the new fragile debuff on snakebite, we felt there was a risk of her feeling very oppressive on defense.

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by RodriTama

Oh, I meant for the new thing, it's written as "will make a player fragile for a short time".

Oh! Yeah, that makes a ton of sense.

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Sharkchase

Does it double the damage from vipers spit itself?

We’ve normalized it so the ability does the same damage it did before while applying fragile. So, it does, but the ability does “half damage” to compensate now, making its net damage output the same.

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by kuroi_kaze_

But doesn't it screw weapon power balance, basically it means that non one-tap headshot weapons, like even Classic, become headshot machines. And what about MGs and SMGs? I'm not sure this is good mechanic, but we'll see.

It’s a spicy one for sure. In Viper’s case, it’s pretty opt-in: you’ve gotta step into her Molotov to get this applied to you, so it’ll be much rarer than other debuff effects in that regard. There’s no denying that the debuff is quite strong though.

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Dexagons

It isn’t specified anywhere, so sorry to ask more questions, but does fragile also double the decay rate from viper’s other abilities?

This is a great question. I’m pretty confident the answer is no, since decay is more “max health reduction” than actual damage, but to be honest I’m not completely sure off the top of my head. I can check in a little bit

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Zer0Grey

That's a ton of damage!

Triforce coming to the shop next

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Vexenyte

Hey Altombre, as I believe you are on live balance team, are you able to speak to what happened to the supposed Guardian price decrease that was coming?

I'm also curious if any Reyna changes are planned down the road, not necessarily because of her powerlevel but her being frustrating to play against.

I am! We’re testing that Guardian price change internally, just haven’t been able to get enough reps to feel confident shipping it yet. Stay tuned on that one, if we go forward with it next patch seems like the likely candidate.

We’re gathering some updated player sentiment on Reyna this week to understand player perceptions of her, so it’s something we’re keeping an eye on but we don’t see anything super egregious right now in terms of data.

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by markmanj

The one-way's are already pretty tough to execute on most maps and take a lot of practice and research to even do them properly. She has the worst smoke of the controllers by far and the worst molly, even with this change, and I'm not sure the wall change makes up the nerf to the smoke.

Personally, Viper is one of my most played agents, and I’d take this wall change for a 1 second window between Q activations without batting an eye. That’s not to say we’re not wrong here, we certainly could be, but give it a shot and let us know what you think. I think these changes are going to open up a lot of options for her.

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by 19Dan81

I hope the feedback of player Sentiment is equally represented at all skill levels. It certainly feels like the casual voice is weighing heavy on your decisions sometimes. Do you know if your feedback is coming from a 13 year old Fortnite player? or a 28-30 year old gaming veteran?

We haven't leveraged player sentiment heavily since launch, since we've wanted to give players time to breathe a bit and learn the game (we leveraged it during CB though). We definitely split by engagement and MMR ranges to understand a spectrum of sentiment, so we know what feels frustrating/fair at different skill levels.

Sentiment tends to be more supplementary data - we don't inherently balance off of it and don't have strict "bands" we respect and monitor like we do with game performance data. But, it's helpful for us to understand the player experiences across our audience and contextualize how the performance numbers actually feel.

I imagine you're just using them for the purpose of an example, but yeah we don't filter by age or gaming background to make some opinions more "legitimate" than others. Yall are Valorant players now. We filter by game metrics to understand the player, like MMR, games played, agents played, etc. etc.

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by manbrasucks

Oh thank god it's 1 second cd not 5.5seconds.

Poison Orb activation cooldown increased :: .5s >>> 6s

Thought it was the time it took to expand or something because of the . in .5s

It’s a 1 second increase in the cool down. Previously you had to wait 5 seconds to reactivate your Q after previously activating it, now you have to wait 6

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by iConcy

Another thing with the patch notes...was her reactivation timer on smoke really increased by 5.5 seconds (notes state .5 to 6) or is the .5 a typo, and should actually be 5 so and overall increase of 1 second, not 5.5?

Increase of 1 second to a 6 second total cool down on Q activations. It went from 5 sec cd last patch to 6 sec cd this patch.

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by 19Dan81

Thanks for the reply. I wasn't trying to intentionally be flippant it's just a general observation from posts I see on this sub everyday since closed beta from very new and fresh players specifically asking for things such as tagging nerfs for example because it better reflects their experience from other games. They haven't taken the time to even learn Valorant as a new game before wanting it to feel more familiar.

I'm shocked having watched Nickywu and Volcano all through closed beta talk about certain mechanics in game including the topic of tagging. They explained why it's there in a way that made perfect sense from a design standpoint. Now I read today a nerf to tagging.

Seems like a change to appease the casual player - slippery slope.

Ah don't worry about it, it's all good. Yeah I talk with Nick and Sal about stuff like this literally every day. Tagging is something we still heavily believe in philosophically, but it's also something that's historically been a pain point throughout our entire development cycle - pre-launch, friends and family, closed beta, and now live. And frustration with bullet tagging was consistent across MMR ranges, believe it or not - high MMR players, even in the top fractions of a percent, reported the same levels of frustration as low MMR players.

We've been testing iterations for awhile now, and believe that this version still achieves our design goals for tagging while not feeling as jarring or disruptive. We're keeping a close eye on it, but rest assured we're not sacrificing our design goals here; this is something we feel is a good way to help alleviate some of that frustration while still achieving what we're hoping to achieve with the tagging system.

over 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by lordofmmo

why can't we see vipers ulti range when she's holding it but hasn't used it yet?

Because it fills a volume, not a fixed area. If you use it in a hallway, it’ll go further because the space is narrower. Out in the open it’s always the same square, but it adjusts based on other geo. Constantly updating that UI asset on the minimap may be possible within our performance budget but I’m no engineer and can’t speak to it.

Basically, the short version is that the shape and edges of the ult vary wildly based on where you place it.