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My friends were playing ranked the other day, and there was a ranked skill/division disparity of at least 2 divisions (i.e. a Bronze 3 queuing with a Gold 2/3) and everything was working fine. Today, we tried to play, but Valorant would not let us queue up having a Bronze 3 and a Gold 1 in the party. We saw a warning above the player cards of the people in the party who caused the ranked disparity, mentioning that they could not queue together.

Was this change made recently? It worked fine yesterday and now it doesn't work. Server maintenance just got done so I am wondering if they implemented it then.


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about 4 years ago - /u/RiotJustJob - Direct link

This was a bug and should no longer be occurring. You can queue up as 5 with a total disparity of 6 from highest to lowest member (IE Silver 2 -> Plat 2)