The ranking system feels harsh right now, it seems hard to climb out of lower ranks and easy to derank. What are you doing to address this?
We hear you on this, too often one bad day of play can result in significant rank loss and a good day doesn’t help you climb as much as you’d like. Our rank distribution bands are unforgiving and we have limited protection against rank demotion. We’ve been feeling this ourselves, and we’ve made some changes to address this with Patch 1.14, and more substantive changes will follow at the start of the year with the launch of Episode 2.
To be specific with Patch 1.14’s updates, we updated our rank distribution to make it easier to climb out of the lower ranks, significantly reducing the number of players in Iron and increasing the players at Bronze through Diamond ranks (Immortal+ will stay roughly the same). With patch 2.0 (early January), we’re going to add increased protection for rank demotions, while giving you some initial buffer room after you gain ranks. There are also going to be a TON more changes to the rank system with Episode 2, and we’ll have more info on that to come in early January next year.
—Ian Fielding, Senior Producer
I know we only get one surrender vote per half, but in the case of a disconnect after the first vote, can we get an extra surrender attempt?
While we don't see an issue outright with getting a sort of buffer between votes rather than just the one-and-done, we're going to be frank and say this is not at the top of our to-do list for now (AFK, Smurf, etc are hoarding that spot). We'll review and see if this makes sense, but no promises just yet.
—Sara Dadafshar, Producer
Is there any way to hide my crosshair from anyone observing me? I get harassed for my crosshair in almost every game, and it's really putting me off from playing.
Sorry to hear you're getting harassed over crosshair choice. We allow players to spectate other crosshairs so they can get inspiration for their own, but I can definitely see how the consistent comments could become annoying. I think being able to hide your crosshair is a great idea— we'll try to fit it into our future plans and keep you posted on any changes.
—Matt Le, Producer
Will there be a “story mode” for VALORANT?
It's definitely our goal for players to discover more about Agents and their stories in the future. Right now, some of those details are seeded into the game itself, in Player Cards, Character VO, etc. —there are a lot of places where you can find and piece together snippets! However, a traditional story mode is not in our current plans but....never say never. Our goal is always to listen to players and so we will continue to adapt and create experiences based on what you are telling us you want.