I've a question, I'm assuming you are probably familiar with things link CCRL, if for example you take an engine rated 2800 on the list and a human with 2800 FIDE rating (assuming they both use the same Elo model for the sake of simplicity, haven't checked if they do), it'd still be wrong to claim that they are of the same rating, since the Elo is relative to the player pool they faced, my question is, is it possible that the hidden mmr is creating something similar, different pools of players who are being frequently matched within such pools
I'm d2 on my main, different ranks on different alts, on which I play with different friends, which you previously explained is probably the reason, so far so good, but for a while my internet has been horrid, I made an alt, that's in s3 rn, both my brother & I play valorant as our first fps, but I started ep1 act 1, he started much later, the difference between our aim and game sense is night and day, he's almost s3 now, and when we play together, or when I watch his match, the silvers he's meeting most of the matches are completely different from the ones I get most of the time, I'm mostly playing former g3 to diamonds, that are rn s2:g3, and he's mostly playing "normal" silvers, when I tried playing on his account as a test, the games felt like I'm facing irons
So is it possible that somehow the mmr out of placement coupled with the way matchmaking works and the factors it takes, is somehow making different "pools" of players, which would render the visible rank from different pools comparable to the Elos from different ones from the example above (meaning directly incomparable) or is that just the effect of silver being the average rank with most players