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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNaCl - Direct link

This is intended for now, we are exploring options to make this more clear in the future for customs. If you don't intend to finish a custom game, we recommend starting it with cheats enabled so you can end it from that menu. Otherwise you need to exit the client and wait 5 min or so.

EDIT: Adding some clarification. By intended, I mean we know this is how customs currently function, and we are/were ok dealing with this behavior for right now. We know it's not optimal, we know it's painful for friends wanting to test stuff out, and we will have a better solution in place before we ship. We just haven't gotten that work done yet, but be patient, we will.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNaCl - Direct link

Originally posted by zeohi

Is there a reason it's intentional? It feels like I'm hostage to spam clicking end round after wanting to just test something quick with a buddy

its intentional now because were in beta, not done with the game yet

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNaCl - Direct link

Originally posted by _Desura

For what reason is it intentional? I understand it in live matches, but generally customs don't happen with anyone other than friends.

customs are used for private competitive matches or tournaments, not just friends or testing around. Like i mentioned above, we are exploring options, but for now, we just aren't done making the game.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNaCl - Direct link

Originally posted by Twigler

How can I end the game with cheats enabled? I had to keep ending the round time and get 13 rounds to get out of the game lol. Did I miss an option somewhere?

i think that's the only option we have at the moment.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNaCl - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


we hear you

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotWozzer - Direct link

We're looking to add the ability to leave multi-person Custom Games in an upcoming patch, it is currently under test. SoonTM.

Currently you'll need all players to leave the match for ~5minutes for the server to terminate. Apologies for this awkward workaround, the work was non-trivial and we purposefully chose to focus our resources on the matchmaking flows. It was a choice between leaving Custom Games disabled entirely for the first Closed Beta patch or accepting this workaround for now!