External link →[removed]
External link →oh lord , i feel bad for you ! Everybody talks about it except RIOT.
But at the same time 90% of the player base cant see an issue on hitreg so i think riot ignores it thinking the problem will disapear by magic!
That is absolutely not true. I'm looking for hitreg issues (and talking about hitreg issues) all the time. We care a lot about this- but text anecdotes are a terrible way to go about narrowing down the problem. There are lots of connected systems that are a part of hitreg, investigating off an anecdote is not particularly helpful.
That being said, this video is excellent! Really well done here- just enough footage before the bug, slow-mo during the bug, and just enough time after the bug. You've also got your FPS and packet loss in the clip and ping in the comments! This makes it a lot easier to follow up on- video of the incident and the conditions in which it occurred are really helpful. Given your conditions (18 ping, 180fps, 0% packet loss) hitboxes should be almost perfectly synced, but it looks like they're not. There's probably a bug here.