over 3 years
ago -
The Valorant Team
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Replication asks you to push the extremes of what Agent abilities can do in a round. Think of what you can do with five Sage walls? A team of Phoenix can basically make the floor is lava if you cover it with fire. Don’t worry, this mode comes with a “flashguard” so you won’t have to play with sunglasses.
Read how to play below.
- Best-of-nine Spike mode
- 80-second rounds
- 45-second pistol round, with 30-second subsequent rounds
- All players on the same team play as the same Agent (e.g. 5 Sages against 5 Jetts)
- Agent selection is decided in pre-match voting.
- Abilities, minus ultimates, are refreshed each round
- Gain +1 ultimate points per round at the start of the round (except Overtime rounds)
- Set amount of credits each round regardless of win/loss
- Per-round credit amounts:
- 900
- 2400
- 3900
- 6000
- Per-round credit amounts:
- Weapon and shield are reset each round
- Being flashed twice within a 4 second window grants FLASHGUARD to the player
- FLASHGUARD: Cannot be blinded
- Duration: 5 seconds
- FLASHGUARD: Cannot be blinded
- Same as unrated:
- 100 xp per round played.
- Additional 200 xp per round won.
- Replication is available for two weeks starting today, ending on May 25
- We’ll then update you on our new game modes plan for VALORANT
- We’re always evolving our game mode offerings depending on how you respond, so jump in and don’t miss out!