Her \"Ability_E\" looks like a Jett dash, but it's labeled as \"Joules_BlinkMesh_Short\"
EDIT : Lowkey, I think this is a Tracer dash. But I think it'll be shorter than Jett dash, instant / teleport (might leave afterimage), and prob have either 2+ charges, or refunds on 1 kill, which would be the first 1 kill refresh.
This seems to be the trail effect. Looks similar to Sova shock dart trail effect.
Something to note that went over my head : This is the same crosshair that Sova's ult gives you.
This is the icon for \"Joules3\" Dont have a clue. Probably either her ulti or her seakerbolt.
In the filenames, I can deduce a couple things. There are audio cues for Joules' X called "LaserEquipBeep" and "LaserReady" So I think it's safe to say she'll have a raze-like ult, firing lasers. Very Pog. OR, think Brand Flame Pillar, but with lasers, using the image above for reference.
For Joules' Ability Q, it looks like it's a sonar. There's an audio file named "Sonar_Detected." This is her Seakerbolt. (The spelling for Seakerbolt and the filenames for using "seek" is strange to me.)
Anyway, that's all I could find about Joules. Something to note, I didnt find a single thing on the previous Shock Grenade sh*t. Either it was deleted, or it was changed to Killjoy. Anyway, I hope her ult lets her fire LASERS cause that would be super fun. I get some Kingdom vibes from the Employee tag, and her picture shows her face and hair, but I couldn't find any of those textures. It looks like she will probably be wearing a mask of some sort, or hiding her face. Anyway, if you're still reading, thanks, and I hope you have a good day. Back to datamining boissss
EDIT: Something to note, this is a changed Joule thing. Most notably is the removal of the EMP grenade, and its switched out with the "ElecFlare"
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