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Rito 1: "Sage is at a 54% attacker win rate and an 80%+ ladder pick rate, we should nerf her"

Rito 2: "Yeah but pros don't play her at that rate"

Rito 1: "Do we want them to?"

Rito 2: "No, Sage isn't good to watch"

Rito 1: "Okay so let's balance based on ladder, since it won't have any impact on the pro scene"

Rito 2: "K, also then we have space to release more healers later"

Sage gets nerfed, ladder becomes more enjoyable for most players and the pro scene continues to give no f*cks about Sage. win-win. rip Sage mains. Sage died for our 80%+ pick rate sins.

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about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by T3nt4c135

I would prefer balance over being completely gutted.

What if I told you that so far, Sage is the highest pickrate and winrate agent on this patch?

about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by DemonicPotatox

probably just getting a feel for it after the nerf, can't really do much with data when it's been less than 24 hours since the patch rolled out

We get a surprising amount of data in a 24 hour window given how international our game is - obviously we'll have to continue to see how the winrates trend, but "adjusting to nerfs" normally results in much lower winrates early on, as players learn their new limits, as opposed to overperforming.

We'll continue to monitor Sage, but as it currently stands she's still quite strong - there's no reason to believe she's gutted, people have just very consistently thought that Sage was weaker than she actually is.

about 4 years ago - /u/Altombre - Direct link

Originally posted by Yulong

Where are the people on the mastery curve of Sage players this patch so far? What was her pickrate before the patch? Is it possible that your nerfs scared away the less-skilled Sage players?

This is our current suspicion, but we want to give it some more time to breathe before digging in this deep. But yeah, her playrate has gone down a chunk - so if I were to guess, it seems more likely that the "autofill" less experienced Sage players are picking her less on this patch due to the nerfs, and more experienced Sage players are sticking to their guns, making the nerf seem less consequential then it actually is.

We'll have to see how it plays out over the next few days and then assess the Sage population at that point. Good intuition on this!