Of course 1 Radianite won't have a use in the same way 1 Apex Coin doesn't have a use (Apex Legend's premium currency); Radianite upgrades are in multiples of 5, and apex's minimum spending is 25. But unlike Radianite, I can say that apex coins are around 100 for $1 USD because I could buy 1,000 for $10 USD, or that vbucks are ~80 cents because I can buy 1,000 for $8 USD.
That being said, I believe Radianite's "bundled discount" is still dishonest, as there's no way to obtain a useable amount individually using real world currency; Telling someone that their shop prices are discounted from an unobtainable amount (<5 Radianite) at an unknown base price, which if obtainable wouldn't be useful, is a bit silly.
What Radianite's markdown may be doing instead is making revenue in a more clever way. Someone who recently bought a skin will want the visual effects and animations that go with said skin. If they were told this costs full price on top of their skin price it would feel annoying, but the consistent 20-40% markdown on Radianite in the shop instead has it pictured as a deal. For more stingy players who would rather only pay for the skin, the battle pass is immediately an incentive, allowing them enough Radianite to upgrade a skin to the maximum tier if they desire at a "huge" discount to that of the shop. (Of course battle passes by design trade off their great value to the customer in return for that player's retention). This is why I believe Radianite is always marked down in the shop, it's price becomes more rational for players who have already bought a skin, or for those outside it's price point they may be instead driven to the battlepass, which has it's own slews of benefits to the seller.
That being said I feel as if this design won't change anytime soon. It's clearly effective in a social way as players will often point out the additional features a Valorant skin may have over CSGO skins, but compare them at the base price little mention of Radianite, and being marked as a bundle discount from a single Radianite's price makes it "properly discounted", despite being unobtainable at that price. It's a hot topic that isn't easy to justify from a PR standpoint to the average, and seeing a response in thread like these is a suprise, so i thank you for being as open on the matter as you can.