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over 3 years ago - /u/EvrMoar - Direct link

Unfortunately this looks like someone who manipulated their MMR very hard.

It looks like they are on an account that may be on the extreme low end of MMR. So either it isn't their account, or they purposely de ranked the account to the depths of the MMR abyss.

I'm probably setting myself up for failure, but our system is usually pretty good at trying to get smurfs out of low ranks quickly. Unfortunately the more games an account has, the more confident the system may be in their MMR. So there is a chance that this person is playing on an account that has 100's of low iron games, and the system is pretty sure the player belongs there. Now that the player has been doing insanely well, the system will start to re-evaluate their MMR and they will be moved accordingly.

So what's happening. Their MMR is probably the lowest of low in Iron 1, so because they are Iron 2 they are now above their MMR. When they won games, the game is like "Yo you should be Iron 1, in fact bottom of Iron 1, so you are not going to get that many points for winning." - But this player is obviouslly not bottom iron 1, so now the system needs a few games to ensure it wasn't a fluke and correct their MMR. Then they will start to see them gains, start to tier skip, and start getting corrected.

It does suck, but we also can't just give people rank for doing well in a small number of games. There will always be a balance to prevent win streaking into a rank you don't deserve, or straight up getting boosted to easily. This is interesting, I wish I knew the Riot ID and # because I want to look into how this account is progressing and how they manipulated the system. Unfortunately people try to rank tank in almost every system, and it's something that we will constantly have to try and combat.