over 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Classick - Direct link

Originally posted by mogadonskoda123

I believe this is just an example of one of the known bugs listed in the 1.0 patch notes. That is to say it should be fixed in the next patch most likely.

"In very rare cases where a player has a lot of incoming packet loss, an enemy model may appear to be crouching when they’re actually standing (or vice versa). The connection has dropped the packet that says “this player un-crouched”, and there can be a short delay before it’s resent. We have a fix for this coming asap."

So the Reyna is infact not crouched, it just looks like she is.

Source: https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-1-0/

Yep, this is correct!

We're planning to have this fixed very soon in the upcoming patch.