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How is this just a RATING INCREASED (2 UPARROWS)

I was pre-made with the Diamond 2 in my team and I am the "victor" guy (Gold 3) and I have 3 won games before this.

I posted this because ranked is kinda broken not to flex my game or smth like that(I'm a bot anyways.)


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almost 4 years ago - /u/RiotWozzer - Direct link

Originally posted by dankine

Some very heavy losses

Thanks for sharing the Match History, helps take in the full picture.

As mentioned above, likely due to having a series of heavy losses (2-13/7-13) and some negative KDA games (6-9, 10-16, 10-17) before your latest ~3 streak win, one of which you went equal KDA and the others were close wins (though good KDA ratios).

If you consider Gold 3 to be a sliding scale from say 1 to 100, with 0 being a demote and 101 being a promote, before your latest win streak that loss streak could have seen you at ~5, on the cusp of being demoted on the next comparable loss.

Instead you started to win! But even so you've a lot of distance to make up to get from ~5 through to 101 for that promotion you're seeking. If you continue to win, you will see a promotion occur and I expect it will be in the next ~1-2 games (but don't quote me on that..).

Good luck with the climb out of Gold :)