over 1 year
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
0s | how does matchmaking work in Premiere |
2s | I'm Robert J Schuster game designer on |
4s | Ballarat so when you queue up for your |
6s | weekly match we try and find another |
8s | team that has the same Premiere score as |
10s | you do at the beginning of a stage |
12s | everybody has zero points so you can |
14s | play anybody in your division But as |
15s | time goes on and we get a better idea of |
17s | your record we're going to try and match |
19s | you with those teams with a similar |
21s | score we'll prioritize getting you into |
22s | a match over getting you into the most |
24s | Fair match so you're not waiting so long |
26s | in queue |