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almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by Intact

Am I reading this wrong?

Removed Spike icon from being visible on enemy player minimap icons

Does this mean that when you get bomb does as ct, it won't appear on the minimap any more?

You won't see enemies carrying the spike on the minimap. Showing it was a bug. You will definitely still see the dropped spike though.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by lugsy_3

Waaaiitt a minute!

Removed Spike icon from being visible on enemy player minimap icons

Does this mean if you spot the bomb Spike carrier, you'll no longer gain that information? (Currently, if I have the bomb Spike and you see me. on the minimap you will have my icon with a small bomb Spike icon.. and then I turn into a yellow question mark instead of red) That's massive if that's correct?

Edited to use correct nomenclature

Correct. Showing enemies carrying the spike was a bug. Dropped spike still shows, though.

There was a discussion in an older thread about this, so might be worth linking from here for anyone who wants more context on the design choice:


almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by lugsy_3

Thank-you for clarifying this. Was there any discussion if this was a positive bug? I typically play more of a IGL type roll, holding a deeper angle & paying more attention to the minimap to make team comms (since I find a lot of people aren't making voice comms), and I loved being able to see the importance of a push (even if only spotting one person). I feel this doesn't impact high level play, as I believe most high level play will safe drop the bomb Spike behind and only pick it up once the site is confirmed and entry frags are already made.

Right; it doesn't really impact high level play because most teams drop the spike back and out of view so it doesn't get dumped if they lose their initial peeks. Also slightly faster to grab if someone needs to nab it and go.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by StephenTabernacle

Added color to the player’s own minimap icon with a slightly thicker border to aid in finding oneself (on the minimap, not in life)

rito pls i'm having an existential crisis

Known bug. Working on a fix.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by dksmoove

Is the Spike visible on whoever the enemy team is carrying it then?

It is not; we don't show the spike on enemy or friendly models.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by dksmoove

Thanks for responding - as this is definitely a big change as people relied on the mini map for a lot of information.
If Riot is going the route of not showing the spike on enemy or friendly models, I think the Spike either needs to a new color or something different because it is still not always to easy to spot where the Spike is dropped on the ground because it blends in with character models and/or guns. I'm sure others share my sentiment on this.

Dropped spike icon should be fairly easy to spot - it's pretty large compared to the other icons. Let me know if there are cases where that's not true because of color or overlapping.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by guscrevelari

I didn't notice that update... honestly if you spot the spike c4 carrier your team should be able to see that in the minimap.

I get where you're coming from, but in a game with drones and cameras and dashing/teleporting people, it doesn't make as much sense to hand over critical info about the spike carrier's location for what is often so little effort/risk.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by war10is

So the fps optimization fix is only for when people were shooting and not specifically for split and abilities like sage slow etc?

Edit: they did optimize split as well, I must have missed it. Gonna have try out to see if the drops are gone.

There's a ton of ongoing perf work across the game. Some significant pieces landed in this patch. Other work will be landing in upcoming patches.

There are a variety of factors contributing to drops, and they aren't all fixed yet. Perf remains high priority for the team and a bunch of devs are grinding on it.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by QuakinOats

Dropped spike icon should be fairly easy to spot - it's pretty large compared to the other icons. Let me know if there are cases where that's not true because of color or overlapping.

I believe OP was talking about in game, not on the minimap.

In game the spike is really dull, doesn't really stand out on screen in a pile of bodies/guns/grey floor.

It would be nice if it was brighter or had a larger glow and stood out more in the environment.

Oh, yes. I've seen some upcoming changes that do a better job of highlighting dropped items.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by Eternalix

Hi Prog,

I sometimes have trouble locating the spike on the ground (and I have 20/20 vision), especially if there's other guns on top of it / right next to it. I agree that the spike on the ground should give off a different color / hue compared to the white that every other item has. Thank you!

Some upcoming changes add highlighting to items on the ground.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by Kiillerman2

Is it possible that seeing multiple people with the spike before this change was a visual bug?

Multiple times (only in one match however) me and my team could see multiple enemies who seemed to be carrying the spike.

If it was just a visual bug then no problem, not that it matters now with the feature being patched out. But it was strange and something I'd never seen before

Seeing multiple enemies as spike carriers was part of the bug. All of that should be gone now.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by therealchengarang

"/Removed Spike icon from being visible on enemy player minimap icons " Please actually read. They’re giving lower tier players a handicap.

Is anybody going to talk about not seeing the bomb on the minimap on ct/defender side now? The game revolved around locating the bomb and reacting to that info, and the possibilities. Now that you just can't see it until you kill the one of the five guys who carry it or they plant it, it's like super early rotations or overreactions to pushes by even the least amount of guys because the defenders are constantly paranoid about the positioning of the bomb on a player, because they know every player they see could have it right in front of them. Thoughts please. That's one less very big option for reading plans of the attackers when your team literally STARTS OUT in pieces. It was the one piece of info you could rely on to give your site defenders a fighting chance of keeping the bomb plant at bay with a strong rotate and knowledge to the other team that it was seen.

I think it's safe to say that rotations happens when a loss of one teammate happens to 2+ guys on a site, or if you see the bomb. Now the agenda is to assume every player has the bomb because its unsafe to assume anyone doesn't have it? Honestly introduces even more of a gambling aspect to reading the other team and the possibilities? The options for your BROKEN UP TEAM to counter and read the other full force of another team has kind of been weakened a lot.

Can we be honest here. The previous option was to just leave the bomb behind, and pick it up when it was deemed safe for the T side. It would help the defenders if the attackers made a mistake and accidentally showed the bomb, OR it would indicate a purposeful bluff without having to dedicate to many seen players.

NOW it covers up the attacker's mistakes of showing the bomb, and it changes the mindset of defenders. The game revolves around the bomb, and early sight of it. It used to be an important piece of info you were to take caution with that could cost you the round if you made a mistake with pushing too far with it too early into your plans of attack and now I don't know what it is. It's just the thing to blow up site you carry in your pocket.

The most crucial points to a game win and round win is number of players in the initial firefight and execution, and info about the previous and the bomb. Knowledge of one helps even the odds of the other immensely. I could be wrong, but I seriously think it just became a ~40 second post-plant game. If the skill level of each player in the game was about the same, and they took the site successfully in the short amount of time expected to be with numbers overcoming numbers, it is safe to assume walking to the next site is now not an option because of the time it would take for that would leave the bomb timer ending already and the fact that your teammates will be slaughtered by the time you get there anyway, and running would once again give away your position inevitably, and changes still are that you're teammates are all gone. Utility usage yea I get it, delay the push with utility from two guys against 5 guys with their own? Maybe your defenders can just be better? Let's assume the matches are a bit even. I don't know come on.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotStealthyJesus - Direct link

Originally posted by Sympai

/u/RiotStealthyJesus Hey didn't see any mention of any animation desyncs or the desync while crouching in this patch. Any information on that? You mentioned it'd be in this patch. Thanks!

Hi /u/Sympai, looks like we missed making an update in the patch notes - however, a fix did go out in 0.50. Both for crouch desync, as well as equip anim desyncs.

Let us know if you still see anything funky moving forward!

- David

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by pvpproject

Hi, I've mentioned it a few times and posted bug reports about this.

Omens shrouded step says the ability makes no sound on arrival. It does make sound in arrival, can the ability description be updated to reflect this.

Forwarded this to the appropriate character experts. They're tracking it. Thanks!

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by pedros430

Is it possible to allow resolution to go lower than 720p? The game is completely unplayable for me in 720 and I can't figure any way to get it to 480p, that would really help my performance

What are your hardware specs?

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by pedros430

I3-2130m Intel HD 3000 I can run cs go just fine in 480 p at 50 fps and everything on screen is still distinguish able,but at 720p it's completely unplayable at 20 fps, I think the resolution change would make a difference in valorant too

Recent versions of Unreal (which VALORANT is built on top of) no longer support Shader Model 4 GPUs. As a result we've had to move the minimum spec from the Intel HD 3000 to the Intel HD 4000.

Our ongoing perf work should help in the near term, but the game will likely stop working on that machine in the near future.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by matagad

how exactly is it a bug when there is a voice line:"i see a spike carrier"?

There's no line for that.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by F-O-XX

Hate to be that guy but any confirmation about Viper's snake bite? The description says it should slow enemies but it doesn't. Is this an issue with the ability or does the description need to be updated?

Ability is working as intended. Description will be updated in a future build.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by Rk0

Are you sure...? I'm pretty sure I've heard this before as well.

I doubled checked the VO script and the component that plays VO and didn't see anything (wanted to be sure). There are lines for spotting the spike, and for the spike carrier dying, but nothing related to seeing the spike carrier.

I'm not infallible but as far as I can discern there is no VO for it, which mirrors the design. I'd be surprised if we recorded things we had no intention of using but you never know!