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I know you are working hard.

But as stated in several post, the game in its current state is a poor experience for everyone: from noobs being one-tapped, to great players making 50+ kills per game.

Please, do realize that we are not in Beta anymore. This is what all newcomers are being introduced to right now. Upcoming patches and competitive adjustments should have been made beforehand — during the Beta, actually.

So you got to release the full game at launch.

Right now it just feels like an open beta, it has literally just two game modes.

It is incredibly repetitive and empty in term of what to do in Valorant at the moment. It’s either unrated random game, or unrated random game.

I love what you are building, but unless there is a major development issue in the game I can’t see what is more important than releasing competitive even if it has to be tweaked afterward. Nobody is going to be pro player and earning millions out of it tomorrow. There’s nothing to lose by releasing ranked now. It’s actually the contrary.

At least communicate in more details than « it’ll be there after a few patches ».

I am not mad, I am not teaching you lessons — you know your work better than me, but I am fairly certain that my post is another echo of a storming demand in the community right now.

Kind regards

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over 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

It's still coming in a bit. 'After a few patches' is still the stance.

It's also only been a week of this game being out, and I'm assuming you played in the CB, which many players didn't. We may have been a little too cautious in giving space for the game to stabilize (balance/network/infra/perf/etc), but maybe that's suffering from a smooth(ish) launch.

I'm personally enjoying unrated games right now, because when ranked does come on, I find myself under a lot of pressure to get on it. Not saying my perspective is THE perspective but I think there's a number of takes on this (look around the comments! I know you disagree with them but someone's on the other end with that opinion!).

I will say, if you're really unmotivated from playing unranked and feel like you've already got a firm grasp on Ascent, maybe take a break! We'll still be here! This isn't to undermine your request—I think the team hears you pretty clearly, but there's just some order of operations to go by.

over 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by evanmc

I don't like this response. It's not like you're shoving comp down the players throats. They WILL have an option to choose between comp and unrated. What harm does it do if comp is released now that can't be resolved by suggesting new/even any players to practice in unrated instead? Your comp rating will fluctuate as you become more accustomed to the game, it will go up or it will go down. What matters is whether or not you're comfortable in playing comp or not and that is entirely up to the player. What it feels like right now is that I'm playing for nothing in return, if I want continuous play, I want to see the progress I've made in my skills, I want to play against others in similar skills. I want to compete.

We're not shoving comp down anyone's throats, but by having it available we are making some commitments and promises as to what the experience is.

What was a small earflick in unrated becomes rage-inducing in ranked. Maybe you're a reasonable person and you're fine with that tradeoff ("Oh they turned rank on early, there's bound to be roadbumps!"), but I guarantee there are many others who stake a lot in their ranked standing and will hold us accountable to getting everything perfect. I don't think we'll ever be 'perfect' but I do think when we take that step, we should be confident.

By the way, I don't ascribe to the "well, give them the choice!" approach all the time, because if ranked is up and there's a game-losing bug running around, I think you'd expect us to disable ranked. What if we slapped a little warning, "hey you might just lose your game!" but let people queue into ranked? That's offering a choice, but I think it's a dumb one. That's what I mean by the fact that ranked being on is a commitment that we want to do due dilligence on first.

over 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by Kaywhysee

Competitive closed beta players miss the balanced 5v5 equal skilled teamed games, where the variance in skill between the 10 in server is very minimal. It creates a competitive environment where each player puts their rank at stake in going up or down. The rank is important because it enforces the idea of a balanced playfield.

You mention differing opinions on the matter and that’s fine, but I’m willing to bet this request is more about higher skilled players frustrated in matching with much lower skilled players creating a scoreboard that feels exhausting for high skilled players (urgh I can only win if I carry/30 kills) and low skilled players (urgh I suck I feel bad for being carried/5 kills).

Speaking as an immortal/Valorant player, I’d appreciate less variance in skill between the 10 players, imagine 2 professional footballers duking it out with 8 Sunday-league amateurs circling around them hoping the ball lands on their feet, that’s the current situation.

Edit: see pic https://imgur.com/R1y7i1P

This one I agree with, by the way. I'm currently playing in-houses or running 5-stacks in unrated (to match into other 5-stacks) to get more competitive games, but I agree with you that if you're just solo queueing, it's sometimes difficult to get a balanced, competitive game. As a weird note, I think playing more games of unrated will help you get calibrated higher (it has MMR too).

What I think is happening sometimes is some players aren't motivated to play unrated because it's unbalanced (or they HATE no ranked progression), then they cave and play one game, find it unbalanced, and stop playing. Meanwhile if you play a few more games, you'll get your MMR out of the entry-level pool and can find some reasonable matches. In ranked games, you'll probably also have some stomps (or being stomped) as you calibrate your elo, but I suppose that feels different.

over 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by A8AK

"I'm enjoying unrated being the only option because It gets too competitive when I have an option to play comp" I don't understand why a devs giving this bs reasoning rather than just sticking to we're working on it its out soon. We get it, you don't have to justify it with waffling.

My dude it's my own statement and I believe it, why you gotta come at me so aggressive saying my personal reasoning is BS, lol.

It's a known fact that powergamers can and will burn themselves out on un-fun things if it's the optimal thing to do. See Destiny's loot cave, or any other obnoxious way of grinding gear/ranked/whatever. Having ranked on does create pressure. I'm not saying this is the reason we're not turning it on, I'm just trying to give additional perspectives on other inputs. You're not arguing with the guy who's even in charge of turning it on, I'm just here to debate on the internet in between writing emails.

over 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by TwoBlackDots

Whole threads full of people complaining about matchmaking and how terrible it is - then a Riot employee comes on, says they have had a good experience, then tells their players to leave for a while if they don’t like the major flaw in their game, and suddenly the comments are almost entirely positive.

Shows the power that dev communication has, I guess. It’s seen as such a nice thing that nobody wants to contradict it and be seen as mean.

Because I seem to have 3 folks hounding me in every comment trying to prove me wrong, I just want to note I'm not trying to say my experience is representative of everyones. That said, the ones who care enough to spam comments are the ones who disagree with me, while the ones who agree are probably just playing or silently upvoting.

I'm just trying to weigh out the argument.

over 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by Diamentoni

Ironing out bugs and exploits on new map that was missed in closed testing. Ironing out bugs and exploits of the new agent as well as making sure she's balanced for ranked play.

So they gonna turn off ranked each time they introduce new map/ agent? If that was a reason they could just remove them from ranked.

We'll probably hold off on new map availability in the rated pool as a steady state until it gets soak time in unrated.

over 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by SaakaMi

I guess we would like a Rioter to answer on one of the posts telling what's wrong with the current matchmaking. I know you were just giving your PERSONNAL opinion as someone who play mostly in 5 stacks. But from an outsider PoV it just seems Riot Games is ignoring the problems/thinks everything is fine with the matchmaking right now.

Because we're both slinging anecdotes but you're chasing me in every comment thread trying to tell me your individual experience is representative of a failure of matchmaking. There are some people who are having unbalanced matches. There are some people who are having balanced matches. There are some people in between.

I'm telling you that of the many people playing, the only ones who will come in to complain are the ones having bad matches. The ones who are having good matches or just normal matches aren't coming in here to complain because a.) their posts don't get traction ("I'm having a fine time!") and b.) They're probably just playing.

over 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by InriSejenus

Side note, but I think relevant to the tone of this thread. Is there any news on when I will get the rewards that I missed out on because I bought the battle pass? I have at least 40 hours into the game so far and I have the stock characters because I was a monkey and binged the first day trying to unlock characters which has had the literal opposite effect.

This fix should be coming soon (in a couple days), sorry about that!

over 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by Tear-A-Me-Sue

Since you seem fairly active here, totally going to steal the thunder for a moment and take you off topic. Apologies and advanced, but I'm simply curious if the map pool is currently weighted towards Ascent; and if it is, will that be adjusted for in the future. Seems like it's the only map I've gotten since launch.

But keep up the good work! I'm happy the team over there is engaging with the community!

over 4 years ago - /u/Pwyff - Direct link

Originally posted by Sgt_Pepper_50

Ok, don't get me wrong: we totally get it. But as someone who can't stand playing only Ascent anymore and who has spent money into your game, I feel like you guys should remove whatever you have that's making Ascent get picked so freaking much.

over 4 years ago - /u/ArmiesofZNight - Direct link

Originally posted by Thomaba

Why have I not recovered free agents yet ? 6days ago you said the fix was going to be deployed asap

Sorry for the lack of update! We did run an update at the time, but it did not solve the root issue and only solved a small portion of the issue. We have a fix planned to deploy with the the patch downtime this week.