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I just played a competitive match where Viper put up her wall in a way where they could take advantage of being able to see through it. Basically giving her walls. Apparently certain graphics drivers (low end ones) allow this to happen. This is a game breaking bug and I feel sorry for anyone that has to face this. I'm just making this post to bring awareness to it and so it can be patched.

Same thing was happening here almost a month ago https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/g7i6s2/can_viper_see_through_her_wall_its_kind_of_bs_and/

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

We have a temp fix that'll come in the next patch (we added some actual geometry to these abilities) and a proper fix coming in one of the two patches after that (nvidia gave us some helpful suggestions for this).

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotArkem - Direct link

Originally posted by _Yank

Does this mean there will be a higher performance hit with them? Also, will there be any improvements regarding CPU frametimes in the upcoming patch?

The geometry isn't free but in general the scene has many thousands of polygons visible so adding a handful more shouldn't impact performance noticeably.

We've been working on CPU optimizations and hopefully some of them will be ready for the next patch but nothing has been finalized yet.