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Just had a game in ranked (on EU) where 3 people had no voice comms enabled. For a mode which is supposed to be competitive this is a big problem.

We had no way to do any setups or quick plays, and the result was a very frustrating loss.

I have no problem losing, but this shouldn't happen in a competitive mode, which by definition of team tactical shooter requires teamwork and communication.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by qatzki

A good communication wheel would do wonders. But also some people don't like speaking.

Comm wheel is available to bind to your favorite key. Same with a CS/Tribes radio tree.

They are on comma and period by default (so you can check them out), but should be rebound if you want to use them regularly.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by Zheif

Had no idea this was a thing until recently, y'all should consider putting it in the tutorial and changing the default bind, because with your left hand on wasd and your right hand on your mouse, who is really going to want to take their hands off of one of those things? No one.

We have plans to add these to the onboarding - just didn't have time for the beta. I agree that it's important to ensure everyone knows they exist.

Candidly, we have more features than conveniently available keys. Our strategy was to add these features knowing that some people would want to use them, and some would not. The ones that want to use them can rebind to suit their needs, and the ones that do not aren't burdened with a feature they have no intention of using taking up a valuable key bind slot.

almost 5 years ago - /u/ProgRocktopus - Direct link

Originally posted by oCorvus

I think the default binds for the comm wheel need to be changed. Of all of my 8 IRL friends and I who got the beta, I was the only one who knew about the comm wheel after over a week of playing with them.

No one is going to randomly try pressing period or comma in an FPS game, it just doesn't seem like a key that would ever be bound to anything.

Most people I know do not check the keybind menu to learn the controls, they just figure out the controls by playing. Without any kind of on-screen prompt, I feel like the chat wheel goes entirely unnoticed.

Like don't get me wrong the addition of a chat wheel for calling to teammates is amazing and I had been wanting something like this in CSGO for ages. I just think its use could be encouraged a bit more so that new players actually know its there.

EDIT: Also an end of game teammate review would be nice. Similar to the commendation system in CSGO. As in it would be cool to commend your teammates for exceptional game sense, aim, or communication. This rating would be translated into a trust factor system similar to CSGO's. Where players with high trust factor are placed together in games. So players with high ratings of communication are more likely to be placed in games with other highly rated players in terms of communication. So not entirely separating the queue but perhaps prioritizing the queue to give a bit of separation between casual players and the sweaty players.

The plan is to add a small module to the starting tutorial that makes people aware of the features, and then prompt them to rebind to something more convenient if they want to use them.

Unfortunately, we don't have enough easily accessible keys to place everything within reach by default.