This game reminds me of league when I first started. It scratches that itch. Get that epic kill sweet. Get that adrenaline 1vX and you are like "lets gooooo." I also love how you can be like 1 - 10 and turn the game completely around and win it. It's not csgo and its not overwatch. It's like a nice balance between the two. This game is like other games but its not them. I'm really loving it and can't wait to see what we get later. I think that because we have pros making this game and we will get a polished good game. They communicate with the community a lot which is amazing. Hell this game is in beta and felt like a near full release. I like the coms too. It's high quality and you can talk to players while you load into the game. The only thing I would personally change is give the option for voice activation with randoms too. I'm not a fan with voice activation only on pre-made teams. Other than that, great all the way around. I'm expecting great things from this game.
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