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almost 2 years ago - /u/penguinVALORANT - Direct link

Originally posted by Royal_Finish3r_1976

They increased the DPS with a Neon ult if you are consistently aiming at your opponents head, and they also decreased the slows Chamber's Tour de Force and Trademark. It seems as though they're focusing on keeping Valorant a fast paced game.

Edit: I wasn't sure if TTK was the right term so I changed it to DPS

Chamber's slow nerfs were targeted mostly as a consistency thing - 10 second slows are exceptionally painful, especially when they can proc multiple times throughout a round from Tour de Force. I don't personally expect that much statistical movement as a result of that specific change, but it's still a change worth doing given no other slow in VALORANT is that long, so it's likely excessively frustrating for power that doesn't necessarily need to be there.