Over the past few days i've been evaluating a lot of whats been said on this sub. One of the main problems everyone is having is with players seemingly running out and just shooting and nailing a headshot. We've all been there, we've all felt this. Some argue that its "different from CS" while others, like myself, say "Its a tac-shooter, this should NEVER happen". Well...that got me thinking about a lot of things because to be honest, i've tried this myself and i cant seem to replicate the strafe shooting like others do to me. I went into a custom game with a friend and tried for about a half hour to get it down because if others are going to do it to me, i might as well not put myself at a disadvantage and learn how to do it myself. Well, one instance really got me thinking in general. I walked out, lined up the shot and hit a headshot, no problem, just doing my normal thing of peeking, stopping and THEN shooting. Thats when my friend goes "Hey, you did it! how did you do that?!". I then told him i didnt walk out shooting, i walked out, lined up and THEN shot. He said on his screen, it appeared like i just ran out and headshot him like i was playing CoD.
Well, i started to look into this because i know for a fact i didnt run out and just shoot and nail a headshot. Well, this lead me to start thinking about peekers advantage. See, we all discounted that because Riot told us that isnt an issue here, but i firmly believe that its not only an issue, but its WORSE than in CS. I started my YouTube journey and i came across a video by the creator "Click Heads" that had this exact topic, and it was posted 3 days ago. In the video, it showcased a scrim between some high level players and this one point was reviewed. It appeared like one of the players just ran out and headshot the dude like he knew for a fact where he was at all times, but when you look at the shooters perspective, there was actually time in between the shot taken. That means that the opponents side didnt even register the guy running out. It was one frame, then the next frame he died as soon as he peeked. It also had NOTHING to do with ping, because everyone was around the 20-30 ping range if i remember correctly.
This is a major problem. Now, i'm not sitting here saying "Riot lied to us!!", not one bit. What i'm saying is that something is wrong on their end. This is not working as intended and its making things WORSE. Think about it, how many times has someone just popped out of nowhere and dumpstered you and you're sitting there like "uh...what?". I honestly think this is the reason for the inconsistent games you may play. Ever wonder why some games are a blowout 13-1/3, and another game its just the opposite and not even really close? I think this has something to do with it. What are your thoughts? I'm going to link the video down below and i'd like to hear what everyone thinks about this particular problem.
TL;DR - I dont think strafe shooting is a problem the more i think about it. I think we have a serious peekers advantage problem where it appears that they are just running and gunning, but they truly arent.
EDIT : Got a Riot response about what the "Network Buffering" does. Its just like in CS with the cl_interp_ratio command in the console. His response is below, be sure to read it!
Edit Edit : Rioter also updated his post to talk about peekers advantage and also the strafe shooting!
External link →