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3D Modeling a Glitchpop Balisong in Blender

Finished Eevee Render

Thanks for looking! If you like what you see, any critique and feedback is completely welcomed, especially if you hate it, or my workflow!

Also if you like these timelapse videos, be sure to subscribe, there's plenty more to come :)

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almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Fragloser - Direct link

Originally posted by -Alfa-

Gimme like 5 more years of learning hard body modeling and ez pz

Isn't that right /u/riot_fragloser /u/riot_preeti?

Yeah this looks cool!

If you're interested in working on weapons for games I highly recommend taking a look at some full high poly > low poly > substance painter > marmoset/ue4 tutorials. Back when I taught a Props + Weapons course after work, I recommended Simon's tutorials to my students if they wanted to continue learning. Looks like you're using Blender (I do too!) so maybe the first one would be a good fit. Arrimus3d also has a great collection of free high quality tutorials you could take a look at as well!


almost 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Preeti - Direct link

Originally posted by -Alfa-

Thank you so much! My dream job currently is to be a 3D artist for a game company like Riot, Blizzard, ect. Figuring out that Blender was so packed with potential really inspired me to go for this, I will for sure check out these tutorials and follow them closely, again I can't thank you enough, any feedback from devs like you really means a lot :)

That's awesome! All of us started wanting to work on games in some way. Fragloser got there a lot faster than I did career-wise, but we all ended up here eventually. It sounds lame but honestly pursue what you're passionate about and work extra hard, and in some luck! Eventually it can work out!