about 1 year ago - VALORANT - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s what happens at the end of valoran's
2s Premier Global open Beta you've fought
5s and brought your team's Premier score up
6s making it to the tournament phase for
8s your division congrats
10s tournament matches will use a map pick
12s and ban system similar to Pro matches
14s each team in the tournament starts in
16s the main bracket win all your matches
18s and your team will be Crown champions
21s earning the unique player card title and
24s of course bragging rights if you lose
26s your team will move to a consolation
28s bracket where you'll compete for third
30s place competing in at least one match
32s will earn an in-game title and player
34s card because there's no Premiere without
35s everyone bringing their best