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Love the new rank system. I finally ranked up to silver after more than 500 winnings. If you look up in the dictionary on a bronze player they will find me :-)

ps. of course I went down to bronze again after two games :-)


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about 4 years ago - /u/EvrMoar - Direct link

Originally posted by pollofritoop

That's because you are not in p3. Its a f**king mess. Besides that congratulations, keep it up!

about 4 years ago - /u/EvrMoar - Direct link

Good Job!

It's hard, the actual Rank and the prestige is definitely a drive and what people strive for. But remember, improving and the journey are all part of achieving your goals and the fun part! You're consistantly improving, and it shows. One of the things I've learned, working in game dev, is that we often see one of the biggest factors in improving a players skill is simply more time invested into playing the game. Sure there is "practice efficiently" and knowing how to get better helps, but just playing the game will get you better too.

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoy the new ranked system.

about 4 years ago - /u/EvrMoar - Direct link

Originally posted by pollofritoop

I understand. But i had matches that a Diamond2 and a plat1 were on the same team. And this didn´t happen in the last act. They probably have the same mmr but is really confusing because it´s like the rank doesn´t mean anithing. Thank you for the reply!

Yea I've seen this a few times. I think it's hard after any soft reset because some players are going up, some players are going down(after coming back from a long time afk and skills deteriorating). So players use act rank, or their current rank badge, when most players at the beginning of the season are still working towards their actual rank.

I think this is a perception/visability issue we need to figure out. A way people can know they are actually finding fair matches, or that teams are even, may go a long way in boosting confidence that things are fair. There are some scary things that can happen, with perception and other things like that, when we allow too much visibility. We are talking, the new system is young and we already have fixes planned :)