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The signboards outside B Main (Fish Market) say "Mercato del pesco", while it should be "Mercato del pescE" in Italian. Definitely unplayable, I will only rush A until it's fixed.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

As one of the QA folks on the maps team this post made me panic so much when I clicked on the title 0_o

Edit top post for visibility instead of replying in thread: We do want to have appropriate translations. So while this is definitely not unplayable per se, we want it to be everything ya'll deserve, so our loc team and maps team are talking about how we can do stuff like this better, and we'll take this lesson moving forward :) So thanks for bringing it to our attention!

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by Hydruss

I almost panicked and I ain’t even a dev. Amazing work on the polish and performance improvements. You guys are awesome. Best game 2020 <3

<3 thanks Hydruss. We hope ya'll enjoy it, I know we have!

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by BigMogul

not gonna lie chief, i got excited when I saw people were sharing the same thoughts as me and got sad to see it was a meme, I can't stand ascent, feels horrible, I don't think I've played enough to vocalise why I hate it or what it is exactly but I absolutely despise the map and hate the gimmick of closing the 1 way doors

I'm sorry that you're not enjoying it, but hopefully our other maps give you something fun and compelling, and maybe this one will grow on you over time!

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by BoozeBroFofer

Hey, where do I report bugs? When swapping weapons and using abilities with Raze, it will occasionally bug out and go to my main weapon for 0 reason. It will also graphically glitch aswell while it happens.

Kinda weird then you're trying to put out a bomb bot, and your main weapon shows up as you press C.

There's a bug megathread here that we comb through. I know the formatting ask is a pain, but it helps us reproduce and track issues much faster, and that's actually super helpful when there are as many players and reports as we get.

We've done our best to make sure that the game is in as high a quality state as we can, but realistically, exhaustive testing is impossible, and even if it were possible, we still only have so many hours to fix bugs and build new features etc.

What you're describing sounds like it could be an issue with packet loss or latency where the server and client disagree about what weapon/ability you have out, but without a video, I can't really know for sure. That said, posting in the linked thread with as much context as possible could help us track it down!

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by Tigrammer

I started out feeling the same way after a couple rounds, but after playing Ascent 4 times in a row it is starting to grow on me. Finding all the cheeky places to use Cypher’s abilities has been great. Thanks for the new map!

There's some incredibly talented Artists, Designers, Engineers, SFX, VFX, QA folks, and Producers that all made it happen. I'm just lucky they let me help :)

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotNu - Direct link

Originally posted by Fancypmcgee

As one of the QA folks on the maps team this post made me panic so much when I clicked on the title 0_o

Edit top post for visibility instead of replying in thread: We do want to have appropriate translations. So while this is definitely not unplayable per se, we want it to be everything ya'll deserve, so our loc team and maps team are talking about how we can do stuff like this better, and we'll take this lesson moving forward :) So thanks for bringing it to our attention!

I have twice had my heart stop while scrolling through post titles. Hopefully it doesn't get me again in a few hours.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by whalenailer

Hey, did I play with you this morning??

Yes! Yes you did!

almost 5 years ago - /u/Fancypmcgee - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


<3 thanks friend