over 1 year
ago -
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Transcript (by Youtube)
1s | since high school oh me and Justin I'm |
3s | back in a kindergarten I met one of them |
6s | playing Counter-Strike like five years |
7s | ago and I just been friends with them |
8s | since Stars skill range is ascendant |
10s | down to old fast gold it's a wide party |
13s | but it's all about the connection I'm |
16s | winning or losing can we play from here |
18s | we just figured like it would be a good |
20s | opportunity for us to kind of come |
21s | together come together my teammates mean |
24s | a lot to me we're all really close |
26s | friends it was really cool to be able to |
27s | have that time with them playing fear |
30s | they all get along really well so I |
32s | value all our friendships |