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I love the avalanche (and prism, for another example) skins, I think they're really cool and the blue hues on the scope accents are really really neat.

However, I can't stand having a gun buddy on my avalanche skins. The orange completely ruins the whole aesthetic.

If there was a way to make the gun buddy circle match the color of your scope accent things, that'd be dope, it's a feel bad to not be able to use them without sacrificing aesthetic and consistency.

I just looked at this, and it works like this with the dot exe skins, why not make it consistent for other skins where the scope colors are changed as well?

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about 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Fragloser - Direct link

Agreed! Riot Oniram and myself took a pass on a lot of the older skins the past week. We did this during small amounts of free time in-between tasks so we may have missed a couple. Avalanche and Prism should have updated mounts for next patch.

Future gun skins should also receive the same treatment if the skin color is different enough from the mount color.

about 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Fragloser - Direct link

Originally posted by stormcaller_op

Yess! Is it possible to do this for the Agent sidearms too? My Omen ghost looks pretty ugly with the orange lol

Yea. I'm not sure if we got to those. I'm on vacation for a little but when I'm back I'll see what we can do! It will be nice to have Omen's Pistol with his buddy and a matching mount.

about 4 years ago - /u/Riot_Fragloser - Direct link

Originally posted by Deranox

Will you go back to the ones you missed this time ? We will buy ya cookies to pass the time.

Yea we'll try to get everything we missed. Again we don't have an official task for this yet so please bear with us as we get around to everything. I'm just an artist who appreciates matching things as much as you all do!