Want to share my console experience so far
- They adapted this amazingly well. Game is smooth 60 fps(xbox series s). I have spoted some bugs but there are not so many and no game braking so far.
- You need to adapt to a sensitivity, i have played R6 Siege on console for a lot of time so I can aim pretty well with joystick but in valorant it feels different then in r6. And there is no aim assist in R6 but here i have spoted that when you aim at enemy your camera moovment gets much slower.
- Ximmer are already in game. Roit need to do something about them. Ubisoft in R6 after spotting mnk sending player to pc lobbies for 2 month and then they come again to console. But i wish they ban them. So I hope Riot will start banning ximmers soon. Share your opinions on the game so far.