almost 3 years ago - The Valorant Team - Direct link


  • Added a new set of servers in Latin America, which should help with latency in that region
    • Scheduled to turn on not long after 4.07 is live!


  • Bulldog and Stinger now delay firing inputs while bringing up the weapon to aim down sights (ADS)
    • Prevents you from getting burst mode accuracy improvements before they finish raising your weapon.
    • Adds a slight cost to the decision to switch to burst firing mid-combat.
    • You can still begin firing immediately while switching back to full auto/hip fire mode.


The VALORANT Agents have been busy with a pretty frightening problem. Explore around the Shooting Range to find out what they're up to.


  • Load times for the VP purchase page should now load in a matter of seconds (previously, it would take more than thirty seconds in some instances)


  • Added new detections for different AFK-like behaviors in rotating game modes
    • Friendly reminder that discriminatory behavior is not tolerated in VALORANT, and if brought to our attention, we will be reviewing the incidents on a case by case basis and determining an appropriate punishment accordingly. We will also be updating our Code of Conduct to be more specific and avoid any misinterpretation. —S&PD Team



  • Fixed a bug where Yoru could use a weapon immediately at the end of his ultimate by exploiting an unwanted interaction with ropes
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to defuse the Spike while channeling abilities
  • Skye’s Seekers can once again break through the destructible doors on Ascent


  • Fixed a bug where comms-restricted players could not listen to team voice chat
  • Fixed a bug where players were not always immediately removed from the game after being banned


  • Fixed a bug that was causing performance bonuses to show at incorrect times

Gameplay Systems

  • Fixed an issue where briefly tapping the “Use Spike” button to plant the Spike could cause you to end up holding the Spike instead of your last equipped weapon