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over 3 years ago - [Fatshark] Trelly - Direct link
An absent-minded man of mysteries, Franz Lohner relies on his bulging journal to keep track of occurrences, intrigues and arguments around Taal's Horn Keep. Sometimes his notes are even useful, believe it or not. The Franz Lohner Chronicles are extracts from that journal.

Franz Lohner’s Chronicle – The Three-Eyed Watcher Well, I’ve good news and bad news.

The good news is that Geheimnisnacht’s sort-of maybe over for another year. I mean, it doesn’t work quite like that because of our delightfully anarchic moons, but I like to think of it as being a year away. Perception is reality, after all, and the way reality’s been going lately I reckon the more I enforce my perception on top of it, the better it’ll be for everyone. If nothing else, it makes for a pumpkin-rich environment and everyone likes that, or so I understand.

Oh, wait. Two bits of good news. It’s been a bumper pumpkin crop this year, and no more than usual seemed to be infested with daemons. Good times. Is that perception? Is that reality? There comes a point where it no longer matters, so long as you’ve all the pumpkins you want.

When all else fails, take shelter in philosophy.

More than that, Catrinne’s definitely looking a bit more like herself. Colour to her cheeks, and daubing some truly horrifying paintings that I won’t have up in the keep, thank you very much. At the time, we all thought she’d simply taken a tumble on the stairs a couple of weeks back, but now she’s complaining about hearing voices. Says one of them goaded her into what she’ll only describe as “unladylike and precipitate action”, whatever that means. Not the first time I’ve heard of there being strange voices about the place. I hoped it was all to do with Geheimnisnact, but I guess not.

Anyway, the bad news is that our little burbling friend Blosphoros the Three-Eyed Watcher is still stinking up the place. You see, the problem with Geheimnisnacht is that while it only lasts for a night on paper, in reality (or possibly perception) it tends to drag on. The proximity of the moons weakens the walls between our world and the ghastly dimension from which daemonic denizens spill forth, and once they’re here, they’re in no hurry to go back.

So yes, the Five will have to be content with old Blosphoros for a little while yet, but hopefully they can keep the little blighter in check until he gets bored or runs his magical tether too thin.

Blighter. Heh.

As to Blosphoros himself, I’ve had Olesya doing a bit of digging around about his past. Not much to say about him, really, save that he’s definitely a curdling bag of faeces with his eye on the prize. Being a daemon’s a constant battle for supremacy over one’s peers, or so I understand, and the best way of earning points – beyond the usual, ahem, direct method – is to wreak havoc among us unsuspecting mortals. Still too early to say if Blosphoros’ rituals are directly dangerous, or are just a bit of a song and dance to get the Pactsworn wound up in his name. Doesn’t much matter, really. We can’t have that kind of thing going on.

Seems Blosphoros has been playing this Geheimnisnacht game for centuries, on and off, but has heretofore preferred to do so down in Tilea, for whatever reason. That makes him an import, I guess, and one we could well do without. I mean, from what I hear he sounds friendly enough, but then all Nurgle daemons do. Makes a change from skaven, and their claws-on-a-chalkboard screeching, but I don’t suppose it matters if he’s up to no good – and I can’t imagine that’s not the case.

The sooner he toddles off back to the Realm of Chaos, the happier I’ll be.

Not happy, happy, of course. Too much going on for that. But happier, all the same.